Adopt WPCS for Themes and Plugin Directory

Making mistakes (and even repeating them) has nothing to do with not accepting a standard- on the contrary, you are only able to spot mistakes because you have (and know or can enforce) standards

Otherwise I could just go on and saying that wether is the real whether because I like it more.
That’s what standards are for. To avoid that. Having a standard doesn’t mean folks will magically stop doing mistakes, but we magically will be able to spot and correct them (and often without a lot of effort)

If the spellchecker would realize I don’t mean “neutered sheep” when I say “wether” but mean “whether” then it’d avoid my error - it doesn’t, so I have to remind myself each time it’s wrong. And obviously I forget each time what’s right.

Where do I look up what’s right? Standards!

So I don’t see how the existence of mistakes justified the absence of standards.
On the opposite.


I’m checking with the links I shared earlier about updating my sniffer locally so to exclude most “stylings standards and include only “real” errors

I’m not convinced yet however that we shouldn’t adopt them. But as said - majority is clearly not ok with them, so let’s drop the idea.

I tried to install the WP QA sniffs I shared earlier which would potentially resolve these “unwanted” warnings problematic, and got

 Problem 1
    - jrfnl/qawpprojects 1.0 requires dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer ^0.5.0 -> satisfiable by dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer[v0.5.0].
    - jrfnl/qawpprojects 1.0.1 requires dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer ^0.6 -> satisfiable by dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer[v0.6.0, v0.6.1, v0.6.2].
    - dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer[v0.5.0, ..., v0.6.2] require php ^5.3|^7 -> your php version (8.0.12) does not satisfy that requirement.
    - Root composer.json requires jrfnl/qawpprojects ^1.0 -> satisfiable by jrfnl/qawpprojects[1.0, 1.0.1].

I had already spent a couple hours in past to set up a fully working environment that actually uses the official standards that are maintained and used by thousands of people.
As Joy pointed out it is not entirely trouble-less installing them and having them properly working.
(Perhaps that is just me not being fully experienced with the topic, of course, not excluding that possibility, at all)

So… while I could certainly do all that or learn how to over the next couple minutes, hours or maybe days, and it likely would be a good exercise! I still would end up with a tool that says in its readme “this project will not be maintained” and thus … is probably out of date.
Or, I could start writing a custom rule set.
Or, modify my IDEs ruleset which I use for my own code, so to remove the (whatever they will be) unwanted warnings and make my life a bit easier when reviewing other folks code.

Instead I think I will for once just go with “I will not do all this work, just because I help to review plugins for a community that after all, does not want to follow most of these standards whether these standards are objectively justifiable or just “subjectively” enforced by a community of developers that btw produce a CMS powering 50 million websites and growing, and thus probably have spent some thought on them, and neither actually has some standards that I could follow and use in reviews or else

Please, whomever wants to help with plugin reviews, raise the hand and contact the ones in charge, because I just jumped off this train. I literally have better things to do :slight_smile:
Not driven because “I can’t have what I want” but because “this is just silly and leads to me doing work for others while having to scrap my own very well working setups just because others do not like them”.
So this is basically the same as “I will not change my code because others do not like the standards I follow”. Perfectly fine. I guess.

With that we are back to one plugin reviewer, who cannot review own plugins because of… well guess what, because of our own standards we have imposed on ourselves :slight_smile:

I have spent the better half of this day creating a XML ruleset for CP.

I am feeling some disgust, after this, because doing so I discovered some things, which make me even more doubt the reasoning behind not accepting WPCS standards at full extent without lots of discussions.

  1. Most of the rules (amongst which the ones that have been battled heavily here) are not even invented by WP. They are rules coming from PEAR, Squiz, PSR and so on. So it is not only that we here consider a standard used in a CMS that is massively used worldwide as “inadequate”, but we actually consider rules used by major players in the world of Coding Standards as “inadequate”.
    I find this weird at least, even snowflake-like, if this is the correct term for it (should mean: very few people without lots of background on the subject think that they know better than the majority of folks active daily in the matter :man_shrugging:)
  2. It has been (for example) said (and vehemently defended) that Yoda rules are “inadequate”. That we should use strict comparison instead. Well, that is nice, but actually false. Yoda makes sure you do not accidentally assign instead of compare. Strict Comparison makes sure you compare not only value, but also type. 2 Distinct issues, and… none of the code I revised, inclusive the code of the “defiers of Yoda” (should I call this group the “Dark Jedi?”) do actually use strict comparison! Literally, the code is full with == even where it clearly would make sense to ===. Additionally, assignment to variable inside if comparison statement is used in some cases. Without any comment. That is exactly what Yoda tries to avoid, and does avoid:
    if the = assignment is done by mistake and not intention, Yoda avoids issues. Having the intention of comparing with strict, does not save you from the accident, and clearly, reality shows it is not used (the strict comparison). So… well, I for me, think to know why Yoda is enforced in WP. Exactly because reality looks different than perhaps ideal, but not adopted practices.
    Of course, reading the code, one can, after minutes, or hours, or longer, define that indeed assignment was intended, but you know… a comment would do. Or well - why not just use Yoda, and assign the value to $var before comparing it, so every doubt, is clear, and mistakes can be avoided, even if it is a typo.

So these things kind of unsettled me, because now I personally am providing a Coding Standard modification that allows all this kind of crap to be passed freely without restrictions. Based on what folks like better, and not on what clearly has worked better for years.

It is not necessary to talk about spaces before or after a parenthesis.
This is a dull argument.
It is about many, many rules that are subjectively likeable or not, and do not necessarily compromise actual real security of a code - but these rules have reasons.
They grant quality code.

Which to me, it seems, (and clearly is) not the case in many CP (core and plugins) so far (and maybe also not in WP, but we would have the chance to do something great here, without actual big effort, yet, we don’t seem to want to do anything that leads to a less error prone world)

So, enough of the ranting, it is as it is, and this community can dictate its own path, of course.

  1. The Sniff modifications are here:
    CP-Coding-Standards/phpcs.xml at 1356aef623ed85ebc7e4a79db957630908c63028 · smileBeda/CP-Coding-Standards · GitHub

  2. They can use used by placing the file in the root folder of the project you want to analyse.
    Then, run command:
    phpcs --standard=/path/to/phpcs.xml project-folder-or-file

  3. The standard used is WordPress by default, and it removes all what is not “real” security issue.
    So for example the spaces, tabs, Yoda, strict or non-strict, line endings, comment styles, missing comments, etc etc etc will not be flagged as error or warning.

  4. I am sure that we will have to add this or that rule to the “ignore” rules, as we go along. We can of course also remove, modify, whatever. I hope we can have a productive discussion on that and grow the ruleset as we go.

  5. We should agree on something, so the reviewers can then use that (and developers can pre-scan their code with it). We should do that possibly soon.

  6. It scans only PHP files,

  7. It needs you to set the text-domain in its config (see The Custom Text Domain of this Plugin or Theme)
    (Text domain check is basically the only non-security related check I left in there, as I thought it is useful, but I removed the translation comments check based on feedback)

  8. If you want to add rules to the exclude list, run
    phpcs --standard=/path/to/phpcs.xml -s project-folder-or-file
    This will produce log with the actual rule name. Then, add a exclude set to the file, with the rule name, such as others are already done in the XML.

Of course, this is just a proposal that (as I see it) probably will satisfy everyone (unless me, honestly, I find it horrible, because I like the WPCS as they are. But that is personal preference, at least when it comes to spaces versus tabs or whatever).

The main thing is freedom. It’s a blessing and a curse. WordPress grew as big as it is because developers, novices and veterans, could code as they please.

I agree, it would be nice if everyone followed core’s coding standards to make it easier for the review team. But coding standards are opinionated, and as you can tell, everyone has an opinion and will defend it. People say opinions are like butt holes, everyone has one. What they don’t tell you, most of them stink like butt holes too. :joy:

So our best option is to recommend WPCS, maybe educate developers on why they should use it, how to use WPCS with their plugins/themes, etc.

Well… in most of the rules I can actually see reasoning, not opinion, even when at first glimpse it seems random.
I yet have to see that reasoning for not using them.

But, as I mentioned, I don’t want to venture further in convincing about yes or no.
Now it would be all about reviewing the proposed rule set so we can enforce that (since it is basically only related to security, not style or formatting or translation or documentation)

On that note, there is an idea around to let plugins translate thru a central system
Note that if we do not enforce standards for that, we also can’t centrally translate :slight_smile:
And I go a step further. Why not create DOC for those plugins in future automatically. I do that for my own plugins. Only works however if one follows “opinionated” standards.

So that would have to be thought thru, before we admit a lot more plugins, if we want to do such things in future. Of course, it is absolutely not necessary to do so, folks can translate their plugins on their own with their own systems and document however they like.

TL;DR Great work @anon66243189 , thank you for going on on this!

Just tried phpcs.xml on Vars and Icons for CP, two plugins I’m going to release an update that supports Tiny 5. So if someone wants to look please look at the main/master branch on GitHub.


  • Vars has been made compliant to WPCS

  • Icons for CP follows it’s on phpcs configuration, that’s very close to how CodePotent’s code look

  • Both plugins are dangerous by design:

    • vars let’s you create shortcodes with html (and even PHP) but let you choose what capabilities a user must have to change them
    • Icons for CP let’s you enter SVG code or pick it from remote sources, and usage is limited to manage_options


Both gave very little “styling” errors.
A lot is about escaping, WPCS wants you to escape even $_REQUEST['nonce'] prior to passing it to wp_verify_nonces. And phpcs for sure can’t know that I’m parsing this or that var with a regex somehere. But I’ll take a close look at the output to see something that really has to be unescaped was missed. I found those rules very useful for a deeper check of my code.

My opinion
I agree with @viktor, recommend WPCS but not force people to it, but also can understand @anon66243189. The point is that if you start writing code followig a (good) standard it’s easier to write functionally correct code.

I use to omit $domain arg on easy words like “Save” because in this way those words get translated in every supported language. Is it bad?

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You say “very little” styling errors
I will run the plugin tomorrow so I can remove them as well.

The other errors you mention would be what we would call “false alarms” most likely and a comment would of course help the reviewer to see that you are aware of them, and help to decide much quicker about false/true alarm

I’m not sure about the domain thingy.
I’ve seen many don’t use it… honestly no idea if it’s something we want or not.

Thanks for trying it!

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I don’t see this as something people don’t want, just something we don’t want forced.

I think the line endings check might be important to leave in there. It seems like it affected SVN due to the way the properties were set up. While we are not using SVN, it seems like it might be a problem with other VCS. Also, I know the users of a popular theme used to have a big issue with the byte order mark of certain files. Some editors would put it and some would ignore it, but the code didn’t like it.

There are coding standards for JS also, and WP uses ESLint (I think).

Are you in favor of requiring basic unit tests?
How about screenshots of desktop and mobile?
How about proof of testing on Mac and Windows and Android?
How about multisite? How about screen reader tests?
How about testing on a range of PHP versions?
It seems to me that if you want to improve code quality, you would make people do testing of their code.

In WP, there are many more translations of the default domain. Omitting the domain argument means it uses the default domain, which may or may not have an exactly matching string. Since you have no control of those strings, and they could be changed at any time, it’s better if you use only one domain for all the text in your plugin.

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For people like me using phpcs this is very easy… like:
phpcs . --standard=PHPCompatibility --runtime-set testVersion 5.6

At this point I’ll not discuss what I’m in favor.
I’ll only work on things that are related to security.

Screenshot, mobile testing, unit testing, and end of line code are all totally unrelated to what we are working on here meanwhile.

No one uses svn either in cp. and if they do, it’s not on us forcing their freedom, right?
Everyone’s free to run into a wall of concrete :blush:

We just need to make sure security is ok. Which so far the amended sniff does.
It doesn’t force anyones freedom

However - if we also can’t enforce that, because of “freedom”, I’m out of here for good.
It’d mean we willingly drop security because of “freedom”

If you want your plugin listed on the directory it has to be following security standards.
The sniff at this point focuses only on that

I leave other “recommendations” to the folks who have time to talk to the wall.

Freedom to style their code, not freedom to be stupid and ignore security :wink:

Style doesn’t affect end user, security does. That’s what we can enforce to protect end users.

@Simone thanks for sharing these plugins to test with.

I have removed a couple more rules (the ones relating to style standards), so now when scanning those 2 plugins, you get only non-style related warnings and errors.

I guess, the more plugins we review, the more “styles” we will see and the more we can remove.
Anticipating the question “why do you not just exclude the entire Squiz or PEAR or PSR2?” - the reason is, while many of those rules are just for styling doctrines, some are actually about (at least perceived) security - and there is no pattern to exclude something like /Squiz.PHP.THIS_IS_A_STYLE_RULE.rule because the rules are indeed named arbitrary and do not have a “prefix” indicating that it is a style, security or else related rule.
some rules are part of subsets and can be excluded in bulk. The XML is updated with this in mind.
The sub-rules that the bulk removal removes, are still in the XML for reference but commented. (since we are experimenting at this stage, it might be wise to keep some sort of log/reference)

So… we can (correct me if wrong) not exclude the entire ruleset, without losing rules that we want to keep (like not using eval, for example, or at least warn about its usage in a codebase).

The changes are in the file I shared earlier, so re-scanning with that new ruleset should remove the leftover “unwanted” warnings and leave only the ones we want.

A word on escaping nonces.
While not entirely related, a while ago WPCS told me to escape third argument of wp_die().
And it is actually a valid request. The function is not escaping or sanitising it for us.

Similar, a nonce comes from a form input, even if you put it there, someone can edit the value in the hidden fields in the form.
That value then gets submitted and compared using verify nonce. Verify nonce does not escape or sanitise the input you give it, it just typecasts it to string. Additionally it is seems to be pluggable.

While obviously the nonce would fail, if not matching, and also after typecasting to string there is little (or none?) chance for anything in it to compromise your code even if plugged, it is not escaped neither sanitised explicitly for us.

So the warning is correct.
Whether false alarm or not, is above my level of understanding but I do follow that rule and do unslash and sanitize it (with sanitize_key).
I prefer to be safe, if I do not fully understand the process (which I often do not), rather than leaving it to Stackoverflow examples (or even WP Doc examples, which in many cases fully miss to notify you about the real need of escaping or sanitising).

Also see this discussion on which I based my decision.
What I learned from that discussion (and many other similar ones I read) is that … even security aspects get personalised and opinionated, and not even very experienced folks do really have the full confidence to say “no” or “yes”
And anyone telling you differently, and claiming to know so well, first has to prove me that they are right by making WPCS Devs actually remove the rule from their ruleset (and that goes with all other such rules that folks often discuss as not-needed, and often are really false alarms).
If it is in WPCS, I follow it. Because, as for example the shared discussion shows, there is reasoning behind it and not even the gurus are confident enough to remove it. So why would I ignore it?

It’s not that I have to work so much more to satisfy that rule. And I can sleep at night, knowing I did the best I could with the little knowledge I have

Of course, folks will disagree with this and have all sorts of deep insight to share. Yet I have to see folks who actually contribute to these things daily to take a stance where they say “no, this is not needed, we remove it”. Then, I will remove it too.

Also, often it gets said that “these functions slow down the application”. While that might be true in a range of milliseconds, I then wonder how the same folks who say that, go and add 10 gazillion lines of “wow JS” to their website, 10 tracking tools, 2 chats, 4000 pixel large images, and complain about a sanitise function slowing down the app
It’s… well, this is a good read on the topic (old but IMO still actual) wp_kses Performance. It mainly is about wp_kses but also shows results of other functions, which should show very nicely that the performance argument is … :poop:

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I now also added in a PHP compatibility ruleset.
To use this, follow GitHub - PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility: PHP Compatibility check for PHP_CodeSniffer to install.

The sniff is not enabled by default in the custom XML.
To enable it, uncomment this section

<!-- PHP Version Test -->
<config name="testVersion" value="5.2-"/>
<rule ref="PHPCompatibility">

With this sniff, for example one of my plugins got flagged with Only variables can be passed to empty() prior to PHP 5.5. (while I am passing a method and miss to declare a minimum required PHP version)

I am not sure anymore what PHP CP supports officially but it can be amended in the XML:
(more to that ruleset here GitHub - WordPress/WordPress-Coding-Standards: PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions)

With this, we can also check if the plugin is compatible with the PHP it claims to be. While not a security related issue, I think it is a valid sniff that is very close to security since it might flag things that got removed due to security, who knows.
Also since disabled by default, it won’t disturb … meh… Freedom.

Going on with Vars.

Here I don’t want to validate input, so a comment tells people I’m aware of this and a directive tells phpcs to ignore just a test on this line, so I have no to look again at this when I review the code.

		// Var can contain almost anything so here we trust our user (default capability to edit this is manage options).
		parse_str( wp_unslash( $_POST['allvars'] ), $testvars ); //phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

My opinion is that I must review translations, so there is no need to sanitize them but let’s follow WPCS.

	/* translators: 1 is the number of user. 2 is the list of users. You can use only the <i> tag in translation */
	$usermessage = sprintf( _n( '%1$d user has <i>%3$s</i> capability and so can change vars: %2$s.', '%1$d users have <i>%3$s</i> capability and so can change vars: %2$s.', $count, 'vars' ), $count, rtrim( $userlist, ', ' ), get_option( 'vars-whocanedit', 'manage_options' ) );
	echo wp_kses($usermessage, array('i'));

Here phpcs can’t know that I’ve sanitized my input elsewhere. It also reminds me that if I call this function elsewhere I must sanitize errors before passing to the function.

	// As long as $errors is passed from vars_save_security_settings is sanitized there
	echo $errors; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped


My opinion, and some of the topics on that are very infinite in possibilities and also not fully clarified by doc, for example, but still, I think it might help:

The sniff I created actually should ignore your PHPCS annotation, because devs might think to be smart and bypass things by adding the ignore statement. So we want to see them anyway.
It is absolutely correct to add a comment.
The annotation should however not work when using the sniff shared earlier (but of course if you have your own sniff setup to not ignore those, then yes it will hide the error).

I would still recommend that this is exactly a case where you want to be very sure about what comes in.
While cap is one thing that makes things safer… the very “right” thing would be a custom kses maybe, that allows a range of things you might expect, but not others.
However, of course, the reviewer does not know what you intend to do with that input, so if it is entirely impossible to validate, I guess it would be fine (given it is only for manage option cap users)
Strictly speaking however that is not enough. I am not sure this would pass WP Repo review.

Do you expect HTML in that $var?
If not, sanitise it so that it can’t hold any.
Or, do you expect special tags, but not others? Then you can use kses to allow some, not others.

However the context would show more I guess.
It is one of those areas where I personally, if reviewing this, would likely ask someone to help me review just to be sure.

My opinion is that I must review translations, so there is no need to sanitize them but let’s follow WPCS.

This is not only your opinion, as a matter of fact this is something that seems the more wide idea here at CP. I disagree with it, but the idea is not entirely wrong.
However, as long we do not have a centralised translation management also for Plugins that gets reviewed… it should be sanitised/escaped I think - not only because of security but also because stuff might just simply by mistake hold things that can break your code. Generally speaking that is.

Here phpcs can’t know that I’ve sanitized my input elsewhere.

That is a classic one which I hate because it puts the entire “escape late, sanitise early” talk into a perspective of “how please?!”, and can be found through out the entire core code.

Often your $var has complex HTML and not even wp_kses will help you… so Yes, in those cases, escape on echo is plain simple not possible. Nothing we can do here.

The best approach I think here is to try avoiding this kind of $var output whenever possible and output chunks insetead, but it is simply not possible sometimes (hey, looking at you the_content()!).

And yes a comment elaborating helps and should be enough in this case.
If it is not obvious from the previous few lines, an @see annotation also helps, so the other dev can quickly see whatever other function or code does the actual escaping or sanitisation.
I would expect to get a “you forgot to sanitise” feedback from reviewers (especially the busy ones like at WP will not bother long about reading code), and then I would have to feedback with a detailed explanation as of why it is safe and OK.
That should hopefully not happen here as we are not that busy with reviews, but still might happen. So whenever delivering such code, just be prepared to have a well backed up reasoning (if not already put in code comment)

I am not the most experienced security tool here (I am a tool, but not really a security tool :rofl: ).
So I have hopes that some experienced people could also feedback on it, but I think most what will be the result is “it depends on the context” (which puts me as noob back to the thinking pad trying to avoid any such case where context needs to be interpreted so I can avoid any “ambiguity”)

Hope it helps

this thread might also help about those $vars that get echoed without escaping.

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Yes, I’ve noticed. This is why I added phpcs:ignore RULE-XXX on the failing rule.
So it’s not a trick to bypass reviews but something that speeds up a future code review.

Nearly everything. With a proper filter it can also execute php code…

I think wp_kses can be a good compromise.

Vars is really a nice one to play with:

  • It was my very first plugin and my experiment was about making it WPCS compliant without rewriting it
  • It’s insecure by design, maybe targeted to developers

About the “can execute php”, I’m relatively sure this is something wp wouldn’t allow.
So I guess this would need to be decided for us here at cp if we allow it or not.

I personally don’t have an issue with it, I guess the concern here is about “people don’t know what can happen” similar to svg support (even if for admins only).

I recall they don’t even allow storing js in custom plugins. Something that pissed me off at some point because I had worked on a forms plugin allowing you to store js for each form, and shows why some plugins then go off-repo and deliver from their own website or server instead of listing in the repo.
The official solution is I believe to store js in files and not in database
Same with “custom code snippet plugins”, I believe that’s not allowed if they are stored in the database but it’s allowed if stored as a file

It’s something we’d need to define, I think, in order to close the case for future as well.
And for that we’d need some more community feedback (I do agree on the “admins should know what they do” part. But… it kind of is one of those conflicts. For example “Disable theme code editor” but allowing to store or execute code same time in a plugin is biting each other)

Got that, what I meant was that it should not really affect the review sniff (since that simply should not listen to those annotations).

However, I discovered my rule doesnt work anyway, whether it is added or not to the XML.
I have had this issue before.
Back then I discussed this in WP Slack core standards channel, and while phpcs:ignore should work, it did not, in my case back then // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine did the trick, but this does not seem to work here either.

It does work in the IDE (where I use WPCS default standards), but not in the terminal with custom XML (with or without custom rule enabled).
I am happy with it, however interesting quirk.
I also noticed that the rule I added in the XML probably refers to @ silencing and not sniffer silencing.
In either case, the review doesnt seem to suffer from the annotation (which is all we want from that perspective).
It is definitely related to the XML, since when I sniff in terminal using WordPress standards, it is indeed ignored.

This was already discussed here.

The very first goal of Vars was to do things like © <?php echo date("Y"); ?>.
At the beginning there was a flag to eval.
Then the eval was removed from the plugin, and the filter vars_output was added, so in my websites I use this filter to eval :shushing_face:.

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