Call for volunteers to translate ClassicPress

wait, unless you are already done.
I am in chat with their support… could be an issue with the XLIFF headers

I will update here as soon we resolved (if) that

They say PO should work and yet it does not. They could not resolve the issue and forwarded the problem to email for further check.

@James - I guess whatever you wanted to … will be faster than waiting for them. Yet I will be eagerly awaiting their resolution so we can do that on our own in future…

PS they also recommended to use WPML to translate “our site” :rofl:
Fun times.

Well… re-syncing with GitHub got the Indonesian strings up to 32% translated.

I then uploaded the .po file which worked perfectly fine for me but didn’t increase the translation percentage any.

That is weird. Me gets an error only XLIFF being supported…
I will update support about this status (because since 100% Indonesian is translated, de facto it should show that, I think)

I guess its progress, still, as compared to before.
@steamboatid I suggest you hold on with doing anything there yet.

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Found the issue - WP translations are split across multiple “sub-projects”:

Then under Admin, there is one more sub-project for Network Admin.

I uploaded these other files and got the translated strings up to 78%, which should be higher - around 90-95% - the difference is that many of the WP strings and translations that say WordPress should actually say ClassicPress. So I created separate copies of the .po files to correct for this (just replaced all instances of WordPress with ClassicPress), and then re-uploaded.

For new languages we can download all 4 of those translation files from GlotPress, create copies of the .po files that have WordPress replaced with ClassicPress, and upload all 8 files at once (we need the original 4 also, since some of those strings will still say WordPress). Here are the settings used. The only change from the defaults is to check the box to import strings that do not change when translated, like city names:

Now we are up to 94% translated for Indonesian, and these are steps we can repeat for other new languages. (I still don’t think we should add new languages without a bit more consideration though, we should focus on making the existing ones fully working first.)

Anyway, now Indonesian is ready to follow the steps at Approving and cleaning existing strings on Crowdin.


@james OK, checking now

@james @anon66243189 now 94%. Good job guys
so, can I continue now ?


Yes! Please follow the steps at Approving and cleaning existing strings on Crowdin first though.

yups, I already proofreading couple of items.
but, maybe I will focus on sourcing first, it just 2 page left :grinning:

@james in long sentence, I still find the word WordPress.
so, I replace it with ClassicPress.

worth noting for other translators that might facing the same situation.

I think this may not be correct. Can you post an example?

Please follow the instructions at Approving and cleaning existing strings on Crowdin before doing any more translations, and let us know when you’ve done that. This will make sure we can tell the difference between WP translations and your new ones, otherwise we can’t review your new translations separately.

WordPress version %s addressed some security issues.

so far, there are 3 sentence like that. I haven’t check more. Mostly about security issues and bug fixes.

These are correct and need to be left as WordPress.

We need to get all the existing strings from WordPress cleaned up and approved first, that is the reason the steps at Approving and cleaning existing strings on Crowdin need to be done first. Then we will be able to review your new translations separately.

Just remind you that, at some point, maybe in the future, security and bug fixes can come from either one of and/or both from WP as well from CP.

At this point, simply choose one of them to tell user is feeling not right. IMHO :grinning:

Plugins extend and expand the functionality of ClassicPress. You may automatically install plugins from the <a href="%1$s">WordPress Plugin Directory</a> or upload a plugin in .zip format by clicking the button at the top of this page.

that another one. because CP also have plugin directory

But CP does not have its plugin directory integrated into the page. That link to the WordPress repository needs to stay as WordPress.

sure. for the time being.
any plan to include CP plugin directory? …maybe another thread another discussion :grin:

Yes, of course. We are very clear about where security fixes come from. These strings apply specifically to the About page when we upgrade ClassicPress to include everything from newer WP 4.9.x versions.

This is correct. There are a lot of other threads here about the ClassicPress plugin directory.

Also, a couple of general rules when you think there is an issue with a translation:

  1. Look at the code where the string appears, and make sure you understand the context of the source string. Just saying “I think this should / should not say WordPress” is not right.
  2. If there really is an issue with the source string, translations are not the right way to fix this. It needs to be edited in the code instead. There is an open GitHub issues for these strings: Translations: Issues with source strings · Issue #569 · ClassicPress/ClassicPress · GitHub