BeClassicPress Discussion

Implement a multinetwork in this same site, where you can have sites and multisites

What exactly would the purpose be if these sites? Can you give an example?

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You have created a community here that is easy to use, practical, even in registration and access.
I was thinking of a style template but with this same integrated community. Better still, altervista style with the possibility of installing plugins and themes that you want and create multisites with which agencies can manage their customers. Server optimized to the extreme and secure. Instead of installing ClassicPress, you could simply register and still have the freedom to install it yourself. All the most successful cms and ecommerce projects of the past year have used this formula. I may perhaps be wrong to propose it, but it seemed right, considering that I thought it, to put it on the table to discuss it.

I think of to be more like than

Hosting websites for customers is the purpose of a hosting company; I’ve no doubt many people associated with CP could pull it off (:tada:) but it’s not the purpose of this domain/project. :slight_smile:

However, it might be cool to have a with auto-deleting, non-indexed trial sites where a person can see what the differences to WordPress is, without having to adjust their hosting companies WordPress install instructions to demo it. :thinking:

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@maiki thanks for your input!
Our idea is to build a website hosting an unofficial Italian community for CP (that will correspond to an italian section of and another website hosting the company selling CP sites.
@wade has proposed we discuss this as soon as we have a biz plan in place (we are in the process of writing it). As you mention it could make sense to keep the selling activity separated from the community.
We did not think of a service to try CP as you have suggested, but it could be a really cool idea to realize. We will evaluate the best course of action to make it possible.

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Hi @maiki , thank you for your interest. I realize very well how much freer and more independent the projects are, as well as anything else, the more things work smoothly. But according to my point of view, we must also think that behind these things there are people who work, who dedicate time and skills and in my opinion it is unfair that they are not reciprocated in some way for their work, which in the extra large majority some cases happen in the shadows without even a thank you from someone. I have no experience of major projects like the one you are doing here and I was making my proposal to try and reward everyone behind the scenes. Beyond this, finding funds to grow independently, without an organization or association or any other third party being able to manipulate the community. The Community would work for itself, and how to organize this would be the subject of an important discussion. but this is what I was proposing.

This exists at WP Sandbox – ClassicPress


Hiya, @Riccardo and @ElisabettaCarrara. :wave:

I myself work for an open source company, so I’ve got no comment on starting up a company to support open source software, even language-specific, except go for it! :slight_smile:

:speech_balloon: :it: :tada:

My commentary is because this is posted as a petition in Governance, and it my experience this is something we vote upon and the work together as a community software project.

:information_source: There seems to be a lot more planning/information for the ClassicPress Italia project at ClassicPress Italia, for those interested!

Given that these aren’t really up for voting, may we move them to another category in the forums for discussion and help planning, rather than a petition for voting? :slight_smile:

In reality we posted them in petitions because we need people voting over some of the aspects that are involved also from a legal point of view.
This project can totally be indipendent from CP but that most likely doesn’t bring much value both to CP and our project. The issue arises when we think about ways to integrate things. CP has two entities and the people involved in the project have each one a company.
This means we need to listen to the community on the legal aspects and internal rulings that are involved in cooperating among projects. If @wadestriebel thinks that this can be done outside the petitions we can agree on moving this to a more relevant forum.

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That sounds great. :+1:

I’m not sure our petition system does what you want; it is more about demonstrating where a lot of people are concerned, so as a community we may look at it; this works in a slow, open, democratic way befitting a project like ClassicPress.

Maybe we could move these discussions up one level, to Governance, as they are important discussions that will set precedence. :speech_balloon:

I feel like our voting system does not lend itself to the conversations in this instance. Hope that makes sense. :slight_smile:

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I think your point makes totally sense.
@wadestriebel what do you think? Should we move this out of petitions keeping it inside governance?

I agree that this is not a petition but a discussion. Governance category doesn’t accept posts. Only Petitions and Votes subcategories. This topic is probably best suited for General Discussion.


Thanks for the input, how could we move that to the General category? I think I don’t have permissions on the forum to do that.

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Thanks Vik !


We are working very intensively on the Italian multinetwk. We could think of using it internationally, having each nation a site, or even a multisite. We have also prepared a business plan to support the project. You tell us. I leave you the link of the draft:

Just a quick update. We are in the process of giving the last touches to the project plan. Next week I will send it to the directors for them to evaluate before scheduling a zoom call with them to discuss possible scenarios on how to move forward.
Also we are setting up the infrastructure and all the needed paperwork and legal matters according to Italian and EU regulations that we need to follow since we are based in Italy.
We really are happy of all the encouragement you are giving us.


I wanted to update to reiterate that I no longer have anything to do with the BeClassicPress project and by way of information, for everyone, I mean that I paid for the server and bought the domain and did not see anything and when asked to return them to me they gave me 2 of spades and banned from contacts. It seemed only right to say it. As for the initial project I did everything by myself, and everything is perfectly working, both the fb group and the multisite on, the only problem is that I am alone in managing everything and I have not heard from anyone for a while. As for the server and domain, if you are able to get them to you, I give them to the community, as for the standing one, I would at least need some indication if you want to keep them or delete them.

Volevo aggiornare per ribadire che non ho più nulla a che fare con il progetto BeClassicPress e a titolo informativo, per tutti, voglio dire che ho pagato il server e comprato il dominio e non ho visto nulla e alla domanda di restituirmeli mi hanno dato 2 di picche e bannato dai contatti. Mi sembrava doveroso dirlo. Per quanto riguarda il progetto iniziale ho fatto tutto solo ed è tutto perfettamente funzionante sia il gruppo fb che il multisite su, l’unico problema è che sono solo a gestire tutto e non sento più nessuno da un po. Per quanto riguarda server e dominio, se siete in grado di farveli dare, li cedo alla community, per quanto riguarda quello in piedi avrei almeno bisogno di qualche indicazione se si vogliono tenere.

Caro @Riccardo non sei stato bannato/cacciato fuori o altro smettila di fare il vittimista che hai rotto le palle questo può andare bene con chi non ti conosce, hai fatto degli errori ti erano stati perdonati e ti era stato detto cosa fare per il progetto ma tu non hai voluto e te ne sei andato come al tuo solito appena ti si fanno notare gli errori che fai , io te li faccio notare e ti dico dove hai sbagliato per due motivi 1) per farti crescere nel mondo informatico 2) per farti crescere a livello personale e la terza la più importante penso è che ti voglio bene e mi da fastidio quando la gente ti paracula per le tue “sparate” senza avere cognizione delle cose . Ti ho sempre detto che sei una persona valida ma non avendo esperienza pecchi di presunzione nel fare le cose.
Il server sta lì , con i test effettuati , perché ti ripeto le cose non si fanno senza una progettualità , senza un piano di lavoro detto anche business plan che traghetti azienda e il progetto.

Vuoi cedere il gruppo ?
sbagli e lo sai benissimo , ti aiutiamo noi ( io , elisabetta , e altri ) non sei solo ma ad una condizione devi ascoltare chi ha più esperienza di te nelle cose … di certo io non ti vengo a dire come fare una saldatura o una scala a chiocciola ( ehm potrei sulle saldature ma mi sto zitto perché non è il mio lavoro principale) .

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Questo non riguarda CP il progetto open source. Potete smetterla di fare I bambini qua, per fav? Grazie!

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