Dashboard News after Migration

Just a little oddity.

After migrating a site from WP 4.9.x to CP, has anyone else noticed the ClassicPress News tab on the dashboard showing WordPress news?

I migrated 2 sites this afternoon and both did the same. No such problem with a new installation of CP.

Typically rss is only fetched every 24 hours and stored in a transient So maybe it’ll be replaced when it next times out
Maybe the rss transient needs deleting on import @james minor bug?


Yes, that does appear to be the case. I just cleared all transients all it’s showing CP news now. So looks a like a little tweak is in order. Thanks @Pross.


It does, copied here: Dashboard Shows WordPress News After Migration · Issue #67 · ClassicPress/ClassicPress-Migration-Plugin · GitHub (thanks @1stepforward!)


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Note, I’ve just released a new version of the migration plugin that addresses this issue. As usual, you can find it from our download page or on GitHub.