Discussion regarding Slack

Continuing the discussion from 2021 Goals/Projects - #31

You want the world’s biggest privacy and data abuser to get its tentacles into ClassicPress? No thanks. I for one would drop CP like a stone if this happened and I’m sure I would be one of many.

Being part of the ClassicPress community doesn’t require using Slack, this is one of the reasons we diversified by setting up the Forums. We continue to use Slack for real time communication and we will continue to export those chats from Slack to the Forums for those that either cannot make it to the meetings or choose not to use Slack.

As mentioned elsewhere, we tried using Rocket Chat, and Discord by leveraging MatterBridge. However, months after setting it up no one used it and everyone reverted back to Slack.


My comment was about VIktor’s suggestion of getting Google to fund ClassicPress. I didn’t mention Slack at all.

The post at the top of this thread is munging two different posts together. Not cool.

I am happy to admit when I make a mistake, but this is another prime example of why Linked Threads are so important because honestly even with all the context on that thread I still think it seems like you are referring to the previous discussion higher up regarding Slack. As there were even more discussions still happening in that same thread.