Does anyone want to work on ClassicPress v2 (with breaking changes)?

V2 Roadmap is pretty clear to me actually. Perhaps that page would need a more “roadmappy look” thou, because it might no the clear when reading it that it is actually a roadmap.

Plugin Directory

(Status: not done. We can’t even enforce basic guidelines as of now.)

Increase the Minimum PHP Version to 7.x

(Status: not done, we are not even compatible with PHP 8 yet as far I know.)

Just to clarify this:

@smileBeda is leading the effort of making the directory amazing and @james is leading the effort to implement it into core when ready to ship.

I am not leading the effort for the directory. @wadestriebel is.
I do not speak Laraval, even if it is PHP., and that is the language or framework used for the dir.
I am merely seeing issues I pointed them out and am willing to do what I can with my knowledge and ability to make it better.

Current ongoing projects are listed here both with leading person, and progress made:

There is progress made that somehow is not seen, I think. Daily. Daily we get new Docs for example, that then will be linked from inside the CMS to point to our doc rather than back to WP.
It is a extremely time consuming task to which everyone could contribute, but as a matter of facts, only 3 people so far did actually contribute results.

We have a entire DOC site with code reference as well, all set up within this year, not perfect, but much better than linking back to WP Doc which will not be compliant with CP anymore (due to changes made meanwhile to many functions and many new functions added in WP).

I’ll be honest. Those progresses are more progress than this project has seen in the past 4 years, and yet, … they seem to not really matter :slight_smile:
Perhaps it is the wrong effort? Perhaps we should produce a breaking new CMS … that has no DOC? That has no translations? That has not a single theme? (Well, I stand corrected, meanwhile a couple have been added by @getkoded007! Which is great!!!)

Now… if someone has the time and knowledge to work on a breaking CP version where RPC is removed, comments are removed, theme and plugin code editor is removed or whatever else feature is added, removed or else, I think they are very free to do so. I have said it before thou: we are not able to maintain more than one version at a time.

Removing stuff and putting it into plugins will lead to only one result: a ton of plugins that wont be maintained (like CC) and that will mean a totally unsafe CMS because folks will in most cases continue to use those features be it as plugin or as core. Once in a plugin, back ports wont do it anymore. Security updates will need to be pushed to those plugins which will have new codebase, etc etc.

Also backwards compatibility is not really about WP. We shouldn’t use WP Plugins anyway neither themes. So who cares about that, right? But now I run CP on my sites and use its features. And tomorrow a new, breaking version comes down. Why should I do? Let’s say my plugin relies on the comments system (one of it does!). I would have to either rewrite my plugin to make it V2 compatible or whatever version it would be, but then Id lose v1 Compatibility. I would have to rely on that plugin that replaces the core feature to be maintained. It wont, by what I experienced so far. Thus… I would have to decide, and my decision would be “Stick with what works and people use”. And that will be … v1 or even wordpress, to be honest, because … no one uses CP for business :slight_smile:
I mean, maybe I am in a different world but no client so far even considered taking my recommendation to use CP. They happily install “Disable Gutenberg”. They do not want their money put on something they might not be able to use tomorrow. Thus for me CP is and remains a personal project. I use it, in my sites. And I want to keep them working.

Again, if someone has the time to do the breaking changes… nothing stopping anyone!!!

I personally don’t. I barely have time to make the work that is possible to do with more little effort like DOC, Translation, and the few tiny features I have and plan further to push to CP
I believe personally this is the way we all should focus on: to perfect the tool we have
Not to strip it apart and create a lot of unmaintainable add-ons that no one will maintain.
I tried to put in a jQuery update… and got stuck at the last part. The first part already took considerable amount of work. I would not even know how to chang the entire CMS to use vanilla JS. I think it is impossible, in a realistic way, because of all the code that already uses jQuery.

But again, I am not opposed in seeing a V3 or V2 or v100 out there.
I think no one is.
Probably I, and many others, simply won’t use it, because I would bet money on the fact that - if it makes it out - it won’t be maintained after.
WP has thousands of developers and they aren’t able to catch all security issues, for example. How would we manage this? Without a community actually testing things, using things and then fixing things?

Let’s also remember that a V2, or v100, without a single plugin, without a single viable theme, without an active community supporting and using it, will be just as useless as CP is now (in terms of real projects).
CP right now can only be used if you custom code. Not a single important plugin that users want to use is actually working with CP in a guaranteed way and if it does, it may stop tomorrow.

That is why my efforts go in the things I can do and can maintain somehow, and in a set of plugins that should resolve that massive gap we have there. That set of plugins is already used by me on my sites and client sites (with WP, since my plugins work with both CMS) but I do not feel conformable in pushing it publicly yet. I might make an alpha release sometime soon. If someone is interested in contributing, here it is again.