Ethics/legalities of forking a commercial plugin

And I’m with you 100% on that as, I’m sure, the rest of the committee is.

You should not question yourself…although I have to confess to doing the same myself all the time. You were appointed to the committee for a reason and you have an awful lot to offer. So, try to focus on that - the bigger picture - rather than this one thread.

This is likely to be one of those topics that will keep raising its head but the official ClassicPress position is that this is not a case of WP versus CP and I recall you making comments to that effect on many occasions. So, clearly, your comments have made an impact.

Nope. I use other platforms as well as WP/CP. Some I like, others I don’t. But I’m referring merely to the actual software, not to the fact that they’re not CP.

It is going to be hard at times. There will always be disagreements and conversations that just won’t go away. But just keep on going. Your committee needs you! :slightly_smiling_face:


@1stepforward’s post was added after the closing of this thread due to his TL4 status.

Future TL4 posts on closed threads will be removed.