How do I detect ClassicPress (vs WordPress) and the latest version?

How do I code a simple ClassicPress detection code in PHP?

I have this now for WordPress:

$wp_rec_version_check = version_compare( '6.1.1', $wp_version, '<=' );

How do I detect if ClassicPress is installed, and how do I get its version? Is there a $cp_version global available?

My goal is to have something similar to this:

if ( function_exists( 'is_classicpress' ) && version_compare( 'x.x.x', $cp_version, '<=' ) ) {
    echo 'You should install the latest version of ClassicPress';

You can use classicpress_version():

if ( function_exists( 'classicpress_version' ) && version_compare( 'x.x.x', classicpress_version(), '<=' ) ) {
    echo 'You should install the latest version of ClassicPress';

Edit: the global is $cp_version.


Thanks, Simone.

What does classicpress_version() return? Same thing as $cp_version?

Yes, it just return $cp_version (code).

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