How to make the forum better for novices?

I think we are talking about different things. Earlier you posted a bunch of screenshots and said these were our possible options. I’m wondering why the views that are being used by both Atom and Imgur aren’t included.

Uh, I am tired - sorry :slight_smile:

Yes, I showed screenshots for these:
Screen Shot 2020-05-02 at 10.52.18 PM

But technically we can adjust this too:
Screen Shot 2020-05-02 at 10.55.37 PM

Ah, OK. Well, I quite like the version.

And I like the way that when you open a category with lots of subcategories you don’t get all the clutter, eg

Actually I’ve just realised that’s not the situation. The situation is that I have “Categories” selected as my home page, and the Discourse options take that to mean Categories + Latest.

More confusion!

Well, actually I think we are seeing a consensus that the current default view could be improved.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Forum Stats

5 users wouldn’t count as consensus. Then, consensus on “this can be improved” doesn’t actually help me “improve” the experience…

And again, I will point to my post above. If you have a specific concern please split it off as I mentioned above.

Trying to answer a moving target isn’t fun and just confuses the whole situation :slightly_smiling_face:

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To start, we will be updating the welcome message to include some more information and a link to instructions on updating your home page layout to reflect the design users wish to use.

I am closing this thread, but please feel free to continue the discussion by using the “Reply as linked thread” :slight_smile:

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