If I am to go "all in" with CP, I need this

I hope Elementor will be forked. I have issues with the latest updates which are not being addressed by the plugin authors because I use ClassicPress, even though other people are having the same problems. :frowning: This would not inspire people to make the jump…


@NyssaTheHobbit this seems like sub-par support. Have you told them that the issues you’re having are also reproducible with WordPress?

I told them it was essentially the same as WP 4.9. Also, there were a lot of “me toos” in the thread. But they said they don’t support ClassicPress, so I figured there wasn’t anything I could do. I’ve been hoping they pay attention to one of the other people with the same complaints. You can see the thread here.

They definitely shouldn’t have marked that thread as Resolved with all the other people commenting that they have the same issue. It’s up to you but I think it would be worth another reply pointing out that other people running WordPress are experiencing the same thing.


In any case it shows that a fork of Elementor may be essential to convince some people to use ClassicPress. Not just because they won’t support it, but because it sounds like Elementor will be keeping up with the changes in Wordpress over time.

I’ve never used Elementor (or any other page builder), but I do have one client who wanted to install it on their site.

So, it’s basically a “better Gutenberg”? Is that right? Given that CP is a business-oriented CMS, I’m just wondering if page-builders might not be very high on the list of priorities. Don’t know… just speculating.

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I’m not too familiar with it, having just recently installed it and used it for only one page. But it and Beaver Builder are popular plugins, basically page builders from what I can see, and yes, better at it than Gutenberg. The OP says he needs them to build client sites.

Yes, would be good to get ONE page builder that supported CP. I think if just one of them gets on board, and is known as the one that works with CP, then they will get all our business. Same with a security plugin. They all do much the same job, so if WordFence won’t come to the party, I’m happy to go with whoever does.

It would be interesting to start a list of categories of plugins we feel are important, and then see if we can get at least one CP-friendly version in each. Might just do that.


@NyssaTheHobbit I’m using Elementor with ClassicPress Beta 2 in my site redesign and I don’t have any issue till the moment.

I can have a look to see what might be going on. Do you have any staging site where that situation is replicated?

I’m not having any problems either. Maybe a plugin conflict?

No, my account doesn’t allow staging. My site is here; I can update Elementor to 2.4.3 for a bit so you can see.

A little testing just now revealed that Autoptomize is conflicting somehow. Now to narrow down how…

Found it! I had to exclude Elementor from Javascript optimization in Autoptomize.


Great. Good to know it was just a plugin conflict. :cold_sweat:

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Yes, it seemed you had a conflict. I have had problems with Autoptomize myself that broke things.

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@NyssaTheHobbit Glad you sorted it.
If someone needs to check if the problem is in Autoptimize they have a flag that will let you turn off the plugin only in that request. This way it’s easy to see if the problem is related to the Autoptimize settings.

Just add this to the url

It will look like: www.yoursite.com/?ao_noptimize=1

If the url already has parameterers it should look like this: www.yoursite.com/?param1=aaa&ao_noptimize=1

Hope it helps.


Regarding the Autoptimize issue noted above: it was a configuration error, rather than a bug. I’ve tested it pretty extensively, and it works as expected.


Why have Classic Editor plugin on 4.9.9 ??

If they do update by accident (which can happen easily) surely no actual harm is done to the site and they can at that time install the Classic plugin or (better ) revert back to 4.9.9

In my opinion the problem is what is done after updating to WP5.0 and before realizing that their old editor is gone.

A simple example, they try to edit a post or page and if they hit the save button that content can disappear.

So as a preventing measure is good to have Classic Editor active.

Remember that many updates can be done automatically without the final user know about it,