PSource -> CP PowerSource

Dear community
Many years ago I launched PSOURCE to get plugins/themes for WordPress under version 5. Since I have now decided to only work exclusively for ClassicPress, I will convert the project to CP-PowerSource in the course of this year.
This platform should become number 1 when it comes to plugins/themes for ClassicPress.
We will follow the CP code and everyone is invited to contribute in their own way to further develop this already huge range of plugins/themes specifically for the needs of the CP community and to provide a common developer platform in the everyone can also have their plugins/themes made available to the general public in open-source thought and everyone can take care of it together

Liebe Community
Vor vielen Jahren habe ich PSOURCE ins Leben gerufen um Plugins/Themes für WordPress unter der Version5 zu erhalten. Da ich mich nun entschlossen habe nur noch exklusiv für ClassicPress tätig zu sein werde ich das Projekt im Laufe dieses Jahres zu CP-PowerSource umwandeln.
Diese Plattform soll zur Nummer1 werden wenn es um Plugins/Themes für ClassicPress geht.
Dabei werden wir dem Kodex von CP folgen und jeder ist eingeladen sich auf seine Art und Weise einzubringen um dieses, jetzt schon riesige, Sortiment an Plugins/Themes gezielt für die Bedürfnisse der CP Community weiter zu entwickeln und eine gemeinsame Entwicklerplattform zur Verfügung stellen in der jeder auch seine Plugins/Themes der Allgemeinheit im Open-Source Gedanken zur Verfügung stellen lassen kann und sich alle gemeinsam darum kümmern

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First tests with CP2 show that most plugins will no longer work properly. Since I’m just a single person without the commercial power there’s no point in continuing to focus on CP, so I’ll strive for WordPress compatibility where possible and exit this project.
I’m sorry, I made sure that everything works for CP1 to PhP8.1, but with the code base of WordPress 5.5+ there is then too much to customize which also cannot be reconciled with performance and security, so it doesn’t matter Sense. It just makes more sense to just concentrate on WP right away, keeping the focus on CP is too much effort for a small OpenSourcler

CP 2.0 is not ready for any testing as was mentioned in Slack. Current experimental repo will be rebased soon with new code based on CP 1.0.

So whatever testing you’ve done is not indicative of what’s coming to CP 2.0. We will announce it when CP 2.0 is ready for testing.

WPMUDEV stopped maintaining all those plugins because they couldn’t keep maintaining so many plugins with fulltime developers. They were always buggy and lacked features. I know because I’ve paid and used them back in the day.

You should focus on one plugin or theme. For example, UpFront theme would be a good focus.

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UpFront is too big and complex for one person. I managed to run UpFront with ClassicPress on PhP8.1, but I know that with WordPress 5.5 codebase onwards this will no longer be the case and I can’t do it alone. All this is not worthwhile for a single person without an intention to make a profit, and the CP user base is too small for that, there is no point in wasting energy further. I still do fixes and adjustments as far as I need them myself, but I’ll just dedicate myself to WordPress again, it doesn’t make sense to work for two systems, one of which doesn’t know what it actually wants and is and only copies the big one, although it’s not supposed to be the original anymore. What should I do now? Swing back and forth between two worlds and wait for what’s to come? Or grit your teeth and ride the horse that rides ahead and dig into React and Gutenberg and base my plugins on them? But then at least I know where I stand. I honestly don’t know where the journey with ClassicPress is going, now I’m doing it differently and better than WordPress or just forking the latest WordPress version once a year to somehow stay up to date, including all the problems that this entails result from it, like always higher incompatibilities? I’m already facing the problem that I can’t update many plugins for WordPress because they no longer work with ClassicPress and vice versa. This fork from the big brother makes no sense, you will always be behind and that is a problem for every developer who then has to decide between CP or WP, the same plugin for both systems, sry, but even an Indian coder costs a buck money meanwhile.
Use my [REPO] (CP PowerSource · GitHub), I keep it running as best as I can, i try ClassicPress be the focus of further editing but if it’s dead, it’s just dead. ClassicPress knows this problem all too well with numerous plugins anyway.

And if you ask me, always hanging and sucking on the mother’s breast (as long as you can use WordPress plugins) is a dangerous addiction. Cut the umbilical cord and see that you can stand on your own two feet.

Do it like Leonidas: WordPress? THIS IS SPAR… ER… CLASSICPRESS!

First of all, I understand that all you tried to achieve is a very great effort being that you are working on it solo.

I do not understand your “working with no profit intention”.

The community needs themes and plugins. Even the most minor things are necessary.

This does not mean we should have things for free since devs worked very hard on them.

For example, you can build something simple (like a theme using the same concept of widgetized areas as UpFront but way more simple) and offer a very basic version for free (code your own widgets for example). Then you can offer paid versions with special widgets already included.

It is true that WPMUDEV abandoned all its endeavors for these plugins and that some people think they are bloated and buggy (on that I can’t express a real opinion, I am not a true expert. I just know the PHP basics).

It is true that you can work on one at a time and slowly bring them into the CP ecosystem. What I advise is you do so by setting up a way to monetize (WPMUDEV had a subscription-based model if I recall). You can do as they did. They started small with a couple of plugins. Their plugins were freemium (basic features free and then you needed a subscription to use the full set of functionalities).

While you do this you can ask people what they need, add your own plugins to the suite of plugins by WPMUDEV and since you monetize you can totally hire other devs to cooperate with you on the plugins.

WPMUDEV’s choice was abandoning legacy to develop for GB. They did not have the power to maintain the elephant and work on GB-related plugins. You will only have to maintain their legacy plugins.

On the v2 note, maybe I can give my two cents also. I think “reforming WP” is the wrong term to describe the process. What our core team is really doing is comparing CP v1 with a WP 6 that has been TOTALLY STRIPPED of the blocks, FSE, docker if possible, and so on. What remains is a CP with some updates (like PHP 8.1 and other libraries). From this comparison, they will then remove all the features from WP6 that we don’t need. At some point in the comparison Matt said that WP6 moved files around, I think the aim is to preserve CP file structure so they are evaluating how to move back files where they have to be for CP. And also CP stuff has to be ported to this experimental v2. So it’s not a refork, it starts with the wp 6 code but they need to totally rework it to align it to CP v1.
That is why the code to be tested is not ready yet,
The core team is trying to apply our build process to that code removing docker as far as I understand. and they are also trying to move files where they need to be per CP structure. Then the part of removing unwanted features can start I think (GB and stuff were already removed by Alvaro but some of the features not related to them we might not need/want).
In the end, it’s a way to backport a very huge set of things we need from WP to CP. It’s the fastest way.
As you noted it’s not the easier way but we can’t afford to slowly implement things in v1 because people want up-to-date CMSs.

Feedback from devs like you however IMHO make the process smoother and faster. You pointed out that we have to make sure that v2 isn’t totally breaking, we need to ensure that the main plugins and themes work.

For that, we have to work with their devs.

Another thing you pointed out is jumping ship. I agree with that to an extent. But we need to make the process in steps. We release v2 that will include our plugin dir integrated into the core. This will be an incentive for devs to submit plugins and themes. This will allow the ecosystem to grow. People will start to rely on CP-specific themes and plugins more and more. At a certain point, we say that WP plugins and themes pages are deprecated and we remove them. Jumping ship in a project so big means giving people time to adjust to change. WP did just the opposite by including GB in core suddenly and here we are…

Last but not least, thanks for your hard work on supplying CP plugins and themes.

I really don’t want to comment on this anymore. The whole thing is no longer realistic. By the time the core has PhP8.1 status like this, we’re probably already moving to PhP 8.5 and WordPress is close to 7.0 and nothing will really work anymore because even the last plugin/theme developer has thrown in the towel. And the only thing that comes from the community is not feedback but: Oh, the WordPress plugin forking would be great, and the theme forking would be cool and there are must-have lists of WORDPRESS plugins/themes that will last a few months with oh and noisy Are compatible and then fall out, which is why nobody wants to maintain these lists anymore, because it makes exactly 0 sense anyway.
I’m out, I’ll continue to maintain my CP offer as long as I use it myself and that’s why I make it available because the WPMUDEV things fill up the error log, mine don’t and they work because I’ve been maintaining them for my projects for years . But even to translate there is not a single one, I do that out of sheer philanthropy because I only need the whole thing in German. And in the long run, that’s frustrating and tiring.

This then raises the question of the target group. Sure I can waste more time and offer some premium features or subscriptions or whatever, but is it worth it? With this target group the answer is NO, it is not in any realisation. WordPress I have hundreds of thousands of potential customers, if you assume that 10% are willing to pay, there is also pocket money. At ClassicPress? Well, I’m already happy with 10 downloads in 2 months from UpFront, what do I want to offer for what people should pay at what prices so that it pays off?

I’m just being nice, like I said I’ll keep my CP repo up to date, I’ll give support when I feel like it, but I’m history here.

Here is the LINK again and if I can help someone with it, then I’m happy, if not I don’t care anymore