Quick and easy social promotion: tell us which plugins and themes you're using with ClassicPress!

Currently, when someone finds that a plugin is working with ClassicPress, the plugin is added to a list of compatible plugins here on the forum. This will grow to be a huge list, so, big props to @azurecurve for managing it! I’ve got an idea that can piggy-back on that…and it doesn’t require any maintenance.

How about recommending that people Tweet (et al) about it? I’m thinking that there’s a likelihood that developers will like and/or retweet, which gives a little extra exposure to the ClassicPress project while also giving a high 5ive to the developers. For maximum reach, I’m thinking to @ the developer account and the ClassicPress account, and to hashtag both ClassicPress and WordPress. Something like:

I just used the Duplicator plugin to move my ClassicPress site to a live server! @snapcreek @getclassicpress #classicpress wordpress Duplicator – WordPress Migration & Backup Plugin – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

Here’s a live demo :slight_smile:



I like it :slight_smile: Thanks for doing this!

What can we do to get this strategy/idea in front of more people?

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A few possibilities…

Maybe ask people to share this post via social media, sticky it here on the forum, @everyone in Slack with a link to it, add it to a newsletter, add it to the Get Involved page.


Let’s start with this (done). I’ll also drop a link to this thread into the marketing channel on Slack.

Edit: also added to the Get Involved page.

