Snippets v2.2.0 released

Allows snippets of HTML, PHP, JavaScript and CSS to be created; an alternative to using a functions.php file or adding styles to a child theme.

Snippets can be used to create re-usable HTML or JavaScript snippets or to create PHP to add_actions or add_filters without needing to add them to the functions.php file or create a plugin.

The following types of snippet can be created:

  • HTML - can be loaded using the shortcode.
  • Internal CSS - automatically added as internal stylesheet.
  • CSS Stylesheet - automatically loaded.
  • Internal JavaScript - automatically added as internal JavaScript.
  • JavaScript File - automatically loaded.
  • PHP - can be loaded using the shortcode (advanced mode only).
  • PHP File - automatically loaded (advanced mode only).
  • PHP File (Header) - automatically loaded in wp_head; allows use of add_action, add_filter and add_shortcode (advanced mode only).

Shortcode usage is either [snippet id=1013] (where the supplied id value is a snippet post_id) or [snippet slug='hello-world'].

All snippets are loaded only on the site frontend; this protects the admin dashboard from white screen errors caused by badly formed PHP; only enable PHP if you really know what you’re doing.

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Changelog

  • Add script type of PHP File (Header).

:arrow_down: Download

Download from Github to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

:man_juggling:: Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the Github repo.

:bulb: Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

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