The problem with relying on WP Software while running CP

If the theme works on the current ClassicPress version, it won’t “stop working without warning” because we have committed not to make any breaking changes to ClassicPress. That’s one of the differences between what we promise and how development at WP currently works.

I don’t mean because CP will break it. I mean because updates the theme developer makes because of Gutenberg may cause it to not work on CP.

Themes get updated for security reasons. What is to stop an update from causing a theme to stop working?

A security update shouldn’t have that effect because it’s just about doing the same thing in a more secure fashion.

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What exactly do you mean? The themes do not have Gutenberg crap. There is nothing in ClassicPress to be specific for a theme. I have submitted a PR to add something, but it hasn’t been merged yet.

I don’t want blocks.

None of us do. That’s why we are here. Themes don’t have blocks.

The first thing on the page about twenty8teen is “Block oriented by using widgets”.

Yes, I built my theme during the beginning of the block editor, but it came out before WP 5.0 did. Everyone wanted blocks, and it’s not a bad concept, but the editor is a poor implementation. My theme uses widgets instead. It is quite flexible. It has very minimal styling for a few block thingies, so that anyone trying Gutenberg and switching back could still have the content look good.

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I have a ClassicPress blog and a DokuWiki wiki that are both under construction — a blog-wiki combo that I’ve dedicated to supporting this project via articles, tutorials, etc. They’ll be part of my writing portfolio as a Christian blogger and technical writer.

But the work on them is slow, because:

  • I have many other concerns as I build my writing business
  • I’m not a developer, and I’m not yet very familiar with the WP/CP platform, and so I still need to study a lot before I can teach others
  • I’m new to technical writing, and so I still need to study on that also
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