Unwrap Shortlinks 0.3.0 - Follows Redirect Chains

Unwrap Shortlinks

Follows shortened links (t.co, bit.ly, etc) and expands them so that your blog post will point directly to the destination. It updates the links when you save your post.

New in 0.3.0

This release finally adds the ability to follow a chain of link shorteners up to 5 levels (to avoid infinite loops). So if you have a t.co link that redirects to a bit.ly link that redirects to a tinyurl link that redirects to the actual destination, it will follow them all at once instead of one update at a time.


You can download the plugin from Unwrap Shortlinks on the ClassicPress Plugin Directory .


If you have any problems, requests or suggestions, please contact me on the Plugin Support Forum or open an issue on the GitHub repository.

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