Update Manager plugin adoption issue

Interesting plugin adoption issue…

I just updated Code Potent’s Update Manager plugin from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 on my main plugins site.

Now, the admin plugins page (after refreshing) correctly shows 2.2.0 (and Simone’s name is shown) but when I click the “View Details” link in the plugin info, the images are still Code Potent and the version in the sidebar says 2.1.0. The update button is greyed out and says “Newer Version (2.2.0) Installed”. And there’s no reference to the adoption anywhere in the readme. So somehow the info for 2.1.0 is still being used.

This problem persists after I clear transients and the browser file cache.


I can see the point of confusion. Not to worry – it’s working correctly. :slight_smile:

To make adopters’ job easier, I provided a copy/paste of the endpoint data for each plugin. If you take a look at the endpoint data on the new update server, you’ll see my credits are still there in it – this just means Simone hasn’t updated the endpoint with his own data yet. When he does, it will be reflected in the remote modal windows.

The correct name/link is shown in the plugin admin rows because, there, the data is coming from the plugin’s own header file (which I updated with the new information before pushing the update to 2.2.0.)

Once the endpoint is updated, it will match up. Sorry for the confusion.

Oh, about the images… there are new icon/banner images in the new release. They might look like Code Potent, but, it’s that Simone used my orange/blue theme and the same font as a nod to the origins of the plugin…which I thought was kind of cool. :slight_smile:

Actually…scratch that. Upon further inspection, it looks like Simone hasn’t updated his version of Update Manager yet, so, it is serving my brand images. Once he updates the plugin (and updates the endpoint) all will be in order. Again, sorry for the confusion.

Sorry it’s my fault. I’m away from home/office. Monday morning it will be fixed!


Now Update Manager endpoint (and also endpoints for the other adopted plugin) should be ok!
Please let me know if you found that something is not working as expected.

Tomorrow I’m going to write a post about adopted plugins :wink:


Just tested all your updates… they worked without issue. Modal windows look good, too. The only thing left is that the Upgrade Notice (which can be found at the very bottom of your endpoint data) for Update Manager was from the previous 2.1.0 release, rather than the new release. That tiny thing aside, it’s looking 100%! I’ll get the repos transferred to you tomorrow. Repos and directory listing have been transferred.

Congratulations on finalizing the new adoptions! :slight_smile:


All good now Simone :+1:

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