Why not a FB group yet?

in order to have a successful social media group you have to “feed” the algorithm. Otherwise you get lost in the millions of other groups.
I don’t know if you have heard that big companies employ other companies to do this job…to manage social media accounts.
That shows that the “sport” is demanding because it is designed to be so.
To create competition in order to stay afloat on top of the others by feeding the platform with content.
But when you make your company or brand name “content” the only ones that benefit from that are the Zuckeborgs and the Dorseyborgs…lol
Not you, that you spend your time and energy and effort to feed their platforms instead of focusing on how to improve your work.

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You have made it abundantly clear that you do not support a Facebook group, or any other social media. And that’s fine. However, there’s no need to continue arguing and reiterating your reasoning. Ultimately, those who will put in the effort will be those who make the decision.

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You didn’t pay attention to what I’ve said at some point here. You haven’t learn how to practice patience.
Wait until the Classic Editor plugin will stop being supported. And then you’ll see how many they are going to look for a decent alternative in total panic because the Gutenberg editor is still a problematic piece of crap.

I’m just participating in the discussion. :slight_smile:

I agree with some of @Marialena.S ideas.
But I also think that @anon66243189 has a plan and is willing to put the work in to make it work.
It is true that social media make you the content, but it is possible to use this at our advantage.
It is not unrelated traffic. A fb page or group can be used to funnel people.
It can be used to target specific people and talk to them.
This takes A LOT of work.
But it can be used to point people towards the site and the “download” button.
The fact is not every group achieves this, no matter how well it is managed because a group is made by the subscribers AND the admin, and no matter what, a group can for whatever reason and despite the admin efforts, become a toxic place from r whatever reason. (Been there, done that. I am not new in managing a community).
I am willing to see what comes out of this group, since it seems that now a plan is in place to make something good out of it.
It can be a funnel/entry point, a place where people create job opportunities around CP (increasing its popularity) or a simple discussion group. It can be something different.
Seeing how the unofficial group ended isn’t giving me good vibes, but I am clever enough not to judge the present basing on a past occurrence.
I expressed my concerns, and they have been heard. It is good to go ahead and see what comes out of that.


The unofficial group ended because social media need someone to be present and feed them with new things continuously.
The thing though that doesn’t need to feed it is to spread information with different ways. Blog posts, signatures on forums, budges and banners on websites, articles, mentions on discussions and such things that once they are published they stay there.

The majority of WP websites owners don’t look currently for an alternative because they rely on the classic editor plugin.But as soon as the classic editor plugin will stop being supported and they will have to deal with the Gutenberg editor that they avoided so long to use and learn how to use, then you are going to see how fast they are going to migrate to other platforms.

BTW and for your information my blog post about Classic Press has up until now 2150 views that you might think that are few but my website is an art website, it is not a tech website. It is the only post about a cms among art material reviews. These are more views than those that I got for some of my reviews. And it is still at the same place. It is not going to go anywhere. If someone searches for wordpress alternative it will pop up somewhere among the results.
So it would be wise to have more posts like this in order to be there when the WP users will start to search on how to switch to something else.
Articles and comments with information have more chances to found in search results. Particularly if they contain the keywords “WP alternative” 'WP fork without Gutenberg editor" “classic editor” and such things.
If such phrases are included in the posts and the articles then they will appear in search results when will come the time that the majority of classic editor plugin users will have to deal with what they avoided all that long to deal with.
People don’t change easily platforms because they want to avoid the inconvenience of getting into the trouble to do so. But when the platform it self gets way to inconvenient for them to use, then inevitably are forced to do it.
The classic editor plugin will stop being supported by the end of 2021 and then it would be incompatible with the new version of WP and then you are going to see how many are going to search for something else.
Spread online information about CP in order to be ready and wait. :slight_smile:

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I totally agree on your points.

As you say, “it needs someone to be present”
This is a fact wether you are on social media, on blog posts, or on both. It even was true back in “door to door sales” times.

My “plan of attack” (already shared in Slack Marketing Channel, waiting for inputs and approvals) does include several of the points you mentioned, and more.
Amongst others, it includes tasking my in-house designer to create modern artwork for social presence (that does not scare or bore people at the bare look of a header image), link research, listing potential people who we should approach to have them blogging about CP or eventually review CP, group and tool promoting (all without money, the old “guerrilla marketing” works best, no matter where).

There is also a whole section with weight on those google searches you mention
By the way there are a couple social media results, in the first few results of google - which are the ones people look at. There are also many results from Hosting Companies. I don’t think many people want to read “boring” posts of hosting companies explain that they offer quick install of CP. It is good to know but a common user wants to see experiences, reviews, and other, genuine people saying “hell yes. Do it”

Like it or not (I don’t like it) nowadays social media do have a very “strong” presence when people look for “real people opinion”.

The same happens for example on your blog post. People ask you for your opinion after a year using CP, for example.
I found the post with the particular search for Migrating my site to classicpress in the first results. Great post, btw, and several interactions - cool!
That’s definitely great, and a way to go, and keep going. If it’s fine I’d like to add it to the shareable content list I am putting together? Sort of as an “Experience of a Human with CP”.

The plan I drafted does not only include a FB group.
That is just a part of the community. It includes taking care of the dead angles like that reddit cemetery, voting on certain sites listing “alternatives to WP”, contacting certain “compare and review” sites that completely miss on CP, as well as many other steps.

One of the biggest problems is as you correctly say, it all needs a lot of work.
Blogging takes just as much work as writing a post in a social media. It takes work to contact someone, bring the word out there, talk to potential users, and so on and forth.

It does in that all not help when the main website is down with a Error 521 :slight_smile: like right now - and as always with work, it needs to be done, which I see is often an issue.
Many people like to say what should be done, but then you never see them again when in fact they could contribute perhaps with a simple push of a button, or commenting in a post where CP is badmouthed, or else things that are relatively simple to do.

It takes effort to persist, effort which I am for once surely ready to put in. I invite you to join Toolset FB Group if you want, check out what “TukuToi” does there (that is my FB page and freelancer presence). We do that all for free, there is no gain a single cent from the Plugin, or its sales, yet we interact every day (not sharing what we had for breakfast, rather helping users achieve their goals) :stuck_out_tongue:

This builds awareness. People know TukuToi there. They know Toolset. They know all this is great for them and they have a place where they can interact in their preferred environment.

The same can and will hopefully happen with CP (wether on website, Facebook or old-fashioned handwritten letters, does not really matter I think)

We will see!

The most important is, if it doesn’t work, to realise it and abort it properly, not just let it die silently (like it happened with Reddit)


A post was split to a new topic: Sandbox to quickly spin up ClassicPress sites

Do whatever you plan to do with this article. I don’t plan to delete it.
But there is a need for more similar articles. Because these stay, the other just go… they get lost in the massive amount of social media content and are impossible to find them if they don’t have enough likes in order to get into the feeds ( or whatever they use in social media platforms. I’m completely unrelated with these things. I find them boring and counterproductive).

Please do continue writing about and promoting ClassicPress on your blogs and other public, permanent sites. This is just one part of a successful marketing strategy. Another part is reaching users where they already are, which, for better or for worse, is often on closed platforms.

Person A: “We should promote ClassicPress on thing 1”
Person B: “No, we shouldn’t do that, we should only promote ClassicPress on thing 2 instead”

How about, instead of that (and the resulting discussion/argument), Person A and B both go and promote ClassicPress where they are comfortable doing so? Seems like a better use of everyone’s time and energy :slight_smile:


Thank you everyone for your input, I am closing this thread now. “Why not a FB group yet?” is the title of this thread, and the question has been answered: Because there hasn’t been anyone to volunteer for this (and keep it running) until now.

@anon66243189 can start a new thread when the group is up and running again.

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