Widgets don't save - what am I doing wrong?

Old habits don’t go away very easy. I removed the closing tag (there are only these three files at the moment), but no… No difference I’m afraid.

Next step for me is to make a child theme from one of the pre-installed, I think. But not today, this have taken too much of my time the last couple of days, and I don’t wish to take anymore of your time either.

Since the pre-installed themes work prefectly, the problem can’t be in CP code anyway. Thank you so much for all your engagement!

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I am just taking a look at this while I drink coffee between other tasks, so please don’t feel the need to apologize for taking up my time.

You don’t need this. If you register a sidebar, widgets should work automatically.

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Try putting your sidebar id in all lowercases (or not mention the id), according to some doc the id needs to be all lowercase (haven’t tried it though)