About the 2020 Committee Candidates category

The deadline has now passed. We are no longer accepting self-nominations.

This category is used for forum users with trust level 2 and above to declare themselves as running for the 2020 ClassicPress Committee. The deadline to include yourself as running is November 20th at 11:59pm UTC time. (2019-11-20T23:59:00Z).

Every TL2 user who wishes to run must create a new thread in this category. You may use your post to explain why you wish to run. There should be no campaigning outside of your post.

We will also not be allowing replies on threads, as they will likely go off-topic rather quickly.

Listing of users declared running

Committee Members wishing to return in 2020

(note, committee members should also create a thread for consistency)

Community Members


As part of the committee, you should be one of the people that is most invested in helping ClassicPress succeed, and that comes with some responsibilities. We expect you to be actively involved in at least one team - this does require a time commitment, usually at least a few hours a week - and participate in most committee meetings.

Note: threads from this category will not show up in the “latest post” section on the forums to avoid drowning out everything else that is happening.


Would you like to add an example for a “I wish to run” introductionary post / thread or shall I just throw in my random thoughts as a most horrid example / work in progress thread? :smiley:

cu, w0lf.


Currently trying to draft one :slight_smile:


My thread is up as an example :slight_smile:


Note, I’ve edited the original post here and the announcement thread to link to a reference about trust levels. The goal of this edit is to provide a reference link to anyone who may be reading this without knowing what trust levels are, not necessarily to provide a large amount of detail.