Add PDO support

I personally want to have an SQLite as my default database, as I have a few friends’ websites that have extremely low traffic. There’s no need to have MySQL installed for such a small website that contains basic information.

No, SQLite can handle high volume of traffic as well and those who don’t believe me, go check How I built Remote | OK and launched it to #1 on Product Hunt

But that is not the point here.

We really need to have more alternatives to MySQL / MariaDB / Persona.

Thanks to PDO, we could have MS-Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle…but we really need to support only the three most used: SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

Read-only archive:

Author: stefanos82

Vote count: 13

Status: open


  • request-add-feature


I think Greg’s comment sums it up well. Plus, this is a large project with no real value at this time.

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