ArgonShop plugin magazin

Good day.

I hope my terrible English can be understood.

Just a month before the release of Gutenberg, I finished the plug-in of the online store. Although the “finished” is said boldly, the plugin is in the alpha version. The first fully functioning store on the plugin was launched, it’s more correct.

I don’t like React, Gutenberg too, I like the classic press idea.

I wonder how we can cooperate? The plugin is not yet on WP and probably will not.

Key by plugin:

  1. Maximum plugin flexibility and convenience for theme developers. The ability to make a basket, personal account and other modules for ANY design.

Receiving goods, displaying the goods added to the basket, displaying information on the user and orders in your account - all these points work similarly to the standard functions for receiving and displaying entries in WP.

The plugin tries to expand the functionality of WP and integrate into it like basic features.

  1. From the box we have:

2.1 The catalog is designed for a large number of categories with 3 or more levels of nesting.

For convenience, the plugin API is able to break these categories into any number of columns, according to the specified parameters. And again - it works like get functions in WP.

2.2 Characteristics. Similar to features in Woocommerce.

Unlike them, they know how to attach to categories, for example, the characteristic “color” refers only to products category “fabric”.

Support any number of directory levels. We can attach a characteristic to a category and all its children, or only to one of its children.

2.3 AJAX basket. Changing the number of goods, sending an order and other functions without refreshing the page. Form fields are configured through the admin panel, it is possible to attach files and register when ordering.

2.4 Personal account. Editing user data, a list of orders and their statuses.

2.5 AJAX search. We get the results in the process of entering text. There can be any number of forms on the page, we are looking for products and records, the ability to customize by which groups of records this or that search form is looking for.

and much more…

More details about the functionality of … “I am forbidden to put a link” :frowning:


  1. The plugin is in alpha and does not know much

  2. Plans for improvements for several years of work, but alone it is almost unrealistic. By time and by money.

Basically, the plugin runs the risk of being abandoned. Perhaps interest will be shown and this will be a huge incentive to continue working.

  • I do not speak spoken English.

Perhaps there are those who want to help with the translation of the plugin? From Russian to English, possibly in other languages. This is for the future, he is not yet ready for translation.

Can we count on inclusion in the core of ClassicPress if the plugin is very good?

How to make the plugin available for download and updates through the ClassicPress admin panel? :slight_smile:

Open for offers

Добрый день

Буквально за месяц до выхода гутенберга закончил плагин интернет-магазина. Хотя “закончил” сказано смело, плагин в альфа версии. Был запущен первый полностью функционирующий магазин на плагине, так правильнее.

React недолюбливаю, гутенберг тоже, идея classic press мне нравится.

Интересно, насколько мы сможем сотрудничать? Плагина ещё нет на WP и возможно не будет.

Ключевое по плагину:

  1. Максимальная гибкость плагина и удобство для разработчиков тем. Возможность сделать корзину, личный кабинет и другие модули по ЛЮБОМУ дизайну.

Получение товаров, вывод добавленных в корзину товаров, вывод информации по пользователю и заказам в личном кабинете - все эти моменты работают аналогично стандартным функциям получения и вывода записей в WP.

Плагин старается расширить функционал WP и встроиться в него подобно базовым возможностям.

  1. Из коробки имеем:

2.1 Каталог рассчитанный на большое количество категорий с 3 и более уровнями вложенности.

Для удобства API плагина умеет разбивать эти категории на любое количество столбцов, по заданным параметрам. И снова - работает подобно функциям get в WP.

2.2 Характеристики. Похожи на характеристики в Woocommerce.

В отличии от них умеют прикрепляться к категориям, к примеру характеристика “цвет” относится только к товарам их категории “ткань”.

Поддерживают любое количество уровней каталога. Можем прикрепить характеристику к категории и всем её детям, или только к одному из её детей.

2.3 AJAX корзина. Изменение числа товаров, отправка заказа и прочие функции без обновления страницы. Поля форм настраиваются через админку, есть возможность прикреплять файлы и регистрироваться при заказе.

2.4 Личный кабинет. Редактирование данных пользователя, список заказов и их статусы.

2.5 AJAX поиск. Получаем результаты в процессе ввода текста. Форм на странице может быть сколько угодно, ищем по товарам и записям, возможность настроить по каким группам записей ищет та или иная форма поиска.

и многое другое…

Более подробно о функционале … форум не позволяет ссылку


  1. Плагин в альфе и очень многого не умеет, к примеру рассчитывать доставку и отсутствует онлайн оплата.

  2. Планов на доработки на несколько лет работы, но в одиночку это практически нереально. По времени и по деньгам.

В принципе, плагин рискует оказаться заброшенным. Возможно будет проявлен интерес и это будет огромным стимулом продолжать работу.

+Я не владею разговорным английским. Найдутся ли способные и желающие в перспективе помочь с переводом плагина с русского на английский и другие языки?

Можем ли мы рассчитывать на включение в ядро ClassicPress если плагин будет очень хорош?

Как сделать плагин доступным для скачивания и обновления через админку ClassicPress? :slight_smile:

Открыт для предложений


Hi @argon. And welcome!

This sounds very interesting indeed. We have been working on a fork of WooCommerce (called ClassicCommerce) but I’m not sure where this is up to. It sounds like your plugin might be something similar?

I doubt it will ever be included in the core as the intention of ClassicPress is to be as light as possible, but it would certainly be a very valuable plugin if it can do the same job as WooCommerce and had long-term ClassicPress support.

The directory is still under development. At the moment we share our work though GitHub. If you want people to see your work and maybe give it a test run this is the best way to make it available. I’d certainly like to see it.

I think @norske speaks Russian (?) so he may be a good person to get involved.


I don’t think that’s the name.

I keep seeing someone typing here (for an hour). I hope their browser doesn’t crash.


Привет, Иван! Спасибо за интерес к ClassicPress.
Hello, Ivan! Thanks for joining ClassicPress.

Если плагин получится полезным и востребованным, думаю, есть хороший шанс найти здесь волонтёров для локализации. Мой английский тоже далёк от идеала. Но его достаточно, чтобы составить понятный черновой файл локализации для en_EN. А потом можно попросить помощи у англоговорящих пользователей.

If your plugin appears useful and it’s in demand, I think you have a good chance to find volunteers for localization here. My english is not perfect, too. But it’s good enough to make a draft en_EN localization file for that. Then we can ask native speakers for some help.

Как уже заметил ozfiddler выше, главная идея CP в том, чтобы исключить из ядра опциональные функции. Поэтому, мне кажется, плагин вряд ли будет включен в ядро. Есть и местный форк WooCommerce.

Но. Делать плагины под ClassicPress всё равно хорошая идея, потому что здесь пока что нет конкуренции. Это даёт хорошие возможности для продвижения продукта и вывода его на международный уровень.

The main CP idea (as @ozfiddler already said above) is to exclude optional functionality from the core. So I don’t think the plugin would be icluded into the core. There is also a fork of Woocommerce here.

But it’s still a good idea to support ClassicPressin your plugins because we have less competition here at the moment. You have plenty of opportunities to promote your product and make it available worldwide.

У ClassicPress со временем появится своя директория плагинов (не репозиторий, а именно директория). Она ещё не готова, но можно поделиться плагином через Github. Это основная среда для разработки ClassicPress.

ClassicPress will have it’s own plugin directory in futire (not a repository, but directory). It’s not ready yet but you can share you plugin via Github. Github is the default ClassicPress development environment.


I keep seeing someone typing here (for an hour). I hope their browser doesn’t crash.

That was me, I guess.
I hope my head doesn’t crash :slight_smile:


Oops. Thanks Joy. Now corrected. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Translation is not even the plugin itself, but documentation, text pages and videos.

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Welcome and thank you for developing a shop plugin without Gutenberg code. Also thank you for offering to make it available for ClassicPress!
Many users of ClassicPress complained about woo commerce and asked for an alternative, so ClassicCommerce was born. But having some other shop plugin in addition to it to choose from is very good.
I think the interest level for shop plugins here is very high. And I am sure you are going to find contributors. I enlist myself as IT_it localizer when the time for translation will come.
For the spoken English, on this forum you can easily write cirillic, there’s a button at the end of posts which translates them. And we are an inclusive community, we love having people from all parts of the world.


First of all I agree with this. @Argon You are in the right place at the right time - at the moment an eCommerce plugin is a hole that many people are looking to have filled in the ClassicPress ecosystem. So, one way or another, you will get a dedicated community of users for your plugin here!

I like the HTTP response cycle, you know, the one from 1991. You load a page, you do something, and that loads a new page. You can actually build entire complex applications without any JavaScript at all, and they can work really well, people seem to have forgotten this.


If you haven’t seen it yet, we are going to build our own plugin directory and release it with version 2 of ClassicPress. More details on our roadmap page.

For now, the best way is to host the plugin on GitHub and do your releases using the GitHub “Releases” section, this way you will be ready to host on our directory when it’s live. This unfortunately doesn’t cover updates yet, and I know @anon71687268 has been exploring how this can be done.

Part of version 2 will be splitting out some core features into core plugins. Which brings me to this:

I suggest that you start a petition for the specific idea of including Argon into ClassicPress core. However I will warn you that we are going the opposite direction at the moment - we are actually working on splitting some parts of the core into plugins. And a store plugin is something a lot of people have been asking for, but it is also important to keep in mind that not every ClassicPress site needs to be an online store.

So, probably the best way forward is to get more users for your plugin, and you are welcome to use our forums to help provide information and answer questions.

Then, there are a number of other paths we can consider for the future:

  • Recommend Argon as a “recommended plugin” in the dashboard. This will be based directly on our users’ input, much like our petitions process, although we don’t yet know the exact way we will determine which plugins to recommend.
  • Include Argon as an option for a “core plugin”. This would also need to go through a petition.

Finally, I hope I have written neutral English without too many native idioms or sayings. Your English is actually quite good, and very understandable :wink:


And I should add, @Argon, if you need anyone to test your plugin just ask here and I’m sure there will be some interested and helpful people. I’m certainly interested. :wink:


I’ve incorporated the functionality from the f(x) Updater plugin into my Plugin Directory* plugin to allow for updates before the official directory is available.

* Plugin Directory is a plugin that I’ve written to provide a nice interface for my users before the official directory is established; it’s not available for download, but, you can easily incorporate the f(x) Updater in your project.


[ozfiddler], [joyously], [norske], [ElisabettaCarrara], [james], [CodePotent]

Support and interest in the plugin motivates to continue working. Thank you!

Can we exchange Skype? My login sargonblack1

At the moment, I need to finish the plugin transition to php 7.3. Initially it supports php 5.6 - 7.0. After that and small adjustments to the plugin architecture +create a base for localization, and i can place the code on github for testing and demo

+I can give ftp or ssh access to the server on which I am developing.

Now I will write a short review of a number of functions, probably it will take time… I hope to be able to post links

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Yes, it’s good that I learned about this project

A little bit about the plugin and why it will require substantial and well-translated documentation.

A little bit about the plugin and why there was a need to develop it in the presence and availability of woocommerce.

Woocommerce is very loyal to the user without programming skills. Downloaded, launched and are working. In the admin panel a huge number of user friendly settings.

For a developer, this can create some difficulties. First - out of the box opens up a huge number of features that the store may not need and do not take into account when developing. This does not prevent the customer and the store administrator in the future to find these features and start experimenting with them.

This can cause unusual store behavior and create a lot of questions to the developer.

Secondly, there are classic American functions like checks for payment. And the address to which the payment will be made? For Russia it is quite strange, in our case payment is made either on delivery or online from the card.

These features need to be edited and removed from the store, here is the work with the plugin becomes much less convenient.

Third, if we need to implement an unusual design of the basket or personal account, with a complete rearrangement of elements. Or add a completely new unusual system of discounts, etc.

In the plugin I tried to make a huge amount of settings in the theme, expanding the capabilities of developers. In the admin panel at the same time the amount of settings is minimal and more technical. For example, we can create up to three different types of forms to be sent when ordering.

Fields in these forms are added through the admin panel in the following form:

telefonUser[Telefon,+7 (922) xxx-xx-xx,100]
addressUser[Address,Moscow region/comma/ DNP Iantar,100]


Unique key to store in the database x[

name field when displaying on the website,


the size of the field is assumed that the field will occupy either 50% of the page width, or 100%. At 50%, respectively, two fields can be placed in a line. This is expressed in the substitution of different classes in the output fields through a special function, with the possibility of further customization through css theme.


DEMO … Forgive me moderator:)

For output in the site theme:

<? php 

In the array put the name of the fields that are required, they are automatically marked as required and additionally checked when sending by means of php.

    $required = Array("telefonUser","addressUser");

Get fields added through admin panel

    show_user_fields($user_ID, "quick", "div", "cartFields50","cartFields100","cartFieldsTitle","cartFieldInput", $required);  

show_user_fields this is function for API


  1. ID user

  2. name form, in the admin panel, you can create several

  3. Во что оборачиваем каждое из выводимых полей

  4. Class for the fields marked 50

  5. Class for the fields marked 100

  6. Class for field title

  7. Class for field

    ? >

You can add fields with unusual behavior.
In more complex forms, it is the attachment of files, registration, etc. The handler can work with different fields.

<div class="cartFields100">
    <div class="cartFieldsTitle">Comment:</div>
    <textarea name="messageUser" placeholder="Your comment"></textarea>

class=“submitCart” adding this class to a button designates it as a form submit button. Accordingly, it triggers the sending event when you click on it.

<input value="SEND ORDER" type="submit" class="submitCart">

The error text will be added inside “span”. A child of the element with the class submitError

<div class="submitError"><span></span></div>

</ form >

Important point.

I am engaged in the development of sites to order, the plugin is largely an apologist for such work. If you have a store to transfer to Classipress/Argo Shop write, a commercial order will greatly speed up the work and help focus on adapting the plugin.

The more complex the store - the better.

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Also important. Will the plugin find demand, taking into account the features? It is mainly designed for the work of an experienced php/wordpress/jquery/css/html developer and non-standard solutions.

I apologize that I did not answer all messages, messages in English require a lot of time


In fact, it is a steroid add-on over the usual WP search, the standard search is used to form database queries. Completely different output mechanism in the theme, added a large number of settings, sorting results and AJAX.

Sorting is quite simple, though with the ability to expand it. The first results are displayed which 100% match the search string and so on.

How looks like the output of a search form




 $searchParameters = Array(

Settings for normal output of search results on the page, get, with page reload.

Specify a custom post type

    	"post_type"   => Array('product'),

Taxonomy for the selected post type. And in what terms to look for. All = all.

    	'taxonomy'    => Array(
    		"catalog"  => "all"

Different classes for more flexible styling via css

    	"classForm"   => "pageSearchForm",
    	"classInput"  => "pageSearchInput",
    	"classSubmit" => "pageSearchSubmit",
    	"valueSubmit" => "",

Settings output results via AJAX, without page refresh. That is, in the process of entering text into the search form.
“ajax” => Array (

    		"classBlockResult" => "pageSearchBlockResult",

Output a block with the results below the text input form. You can display above the form, if the search is located in the basement of the site.

    		"positionResult"   => "bottom",

Specify that this form is looking for products from the store catalog

    		'productResult'    => true,
    		"catalogResult"    => true,

Specify that advanced searching in the categories of conventional records with ID 36 and 37. Display the results with the title “Акции” with the class “resultEntry”

As a result, we get a separate block with the search for the selected categories. You can configure any number of such blocks.

    		"postResult"       => Array(        		
                        "name"         => "Акции",
                        "class"        => "resultEntry",
                        "category"     => Array(36,37) 

To your question if the plugin will suit ok in ClassicPress environment being more suited for devs, I think I can safely answer: yes.
This because ClassicPress is business-focused. Usually people who build sites generating some sort of business are either people who know what they are doing to a certain extent or developers hired to build the site for a company or individual wanting to profit from it.
The fact the plugin is developer friendly to me is a very important feature, it means it can grow as a stable solution suitable to be adapted to many applications.


Again, I hope people interested in the work of their stores on Classipress will visit the topic and we will be able to work together with them.

Hope so. Well, it will take a couple of months to prepare the plugin and I will be able to publish it. Perhaps during this time there will be people ready to join the work on the plugin. And we can exchange contacts.

I’m not against JavaScript, although I like php more. AJAX is convenient in many cases. Although in some places it is really too much, for example, always sad refusal of the standard division of directories into pages.

Over the years of using the Internet, my brain has adapted and learned to remember the way to the right information. By type, and second scroll-down:) Loading materials without dividing into pages eliminates such memorization.

Yes, probably after the improvements of the plugin this will need to be done.

The inclusion of the plugin in the kernel, it is certainly too ambitious, and not the fact that it makes sense.

Although… The plugin resembles a small framework running on WP and CP, with access to other plugins systems.

How commercial will the catalogue be, given the platform’s business orientation? Will it be possible to sell plugins? Or just charge for updates?

It seems to me that the ability to make fully commercial add-ons, is able to attract quite serious teams to work on plugins, it will be possible to calculate the business model from the implementation of the software.

Is this also to be decided through petitions?

Да, полностью согласен. Хотя коммерциализация плагина достаточно туманна, ключевое раскрутка конечно…

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There are topics about the directory in the forums. But yes, as far as I remember (someone correct me if I am mistaken here) commercial plugins will be included, the general idea is there is no harm in devs earning a living from selling plugins and themes.


That’s my recollection too.

Having said that, one of the issues I have personally with Woocommerce is that it can actually work out to be very expensive especially for new and/or small businesses. The core plugin only provides a certain amount of functionality before you need to buy a premium plugin for ‘x’, another for ‘y’, another for ‘z’ and so on. The last time I looked, there were over 80 extensions developed by Woocommerce themselves ranging in price from $0 to $249 a year (with no discount for renewals). That’s not a model that I would want to see adopted by CP.


Your opinion about the plugin is very interesting. As far as I understand we are colleagues and in fact - you are the target audience of the plugin.

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