Boilerplate theme cp-blank

A few years back I’ve created a simple boilerplate theme called wp-blank for my projects. Since I’m transitioning to ClassicPress I’ve modernized and tweaked it a bit and here it is: cp-blank

It is a very simple boilerplate theme and not an advanced theme framework. It’s purpose is to be just a simple starting point that one can adapts to it’s needs while providing modern features, optimized accessibility and simple SEO features like a basic setup.

I’ll provide it on my GitHub account in the hope that someone else might find this useful as well. If there are suggestions, bugs or anything else, please let me know or open an issue or pull-request on GitHub.


If you want to make it easily found by ClassicPress users, you should consider submitting it to the ClassicPress directory. Because it’s a directory and not a repository, the code will still be stored only in your Github repository.


Also, @arnexyz you can submit your theme to my brand new (beta) repository -

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Thank you @timkaye and @Ciprian for the suggestions! I’m already working on submitting it to the (official) ClassicPress directory. Once that’s finished I’ll submit it to Vault 80.

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This looks like a nice starter theme for developers!

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@arnexyz You need a strong demo page with all the features.

I also need to do the same, for a few of my themes. It’s a good sales point (or free download incentive).

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