Bug in Display After Content plugin?

I tried to insert a horizontal line in html before the text in the plugin and when I save it, the <hr> code simply is deleted. How do I do this? What’s the secret? The plugin accepted an embedded link.

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Display After Content plugin allows limited HTML.
You can use all tags that are returned by wp_kses_allowed_html() with the addition of some HTML for tables and lists.

You can change wp_kses_allowed_html() output using a filter (you can put the code in a utility plugin or in your theme functions.php file).

add_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', 'xsx_add_hr', 10, 1 );

function xsx_add_hr( $html ) {
	$html['hr'] = array();
	return $html;

Thank you! I appreciate this. I even understood it. :wink:


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