Call to Action for volunteers! Help to localize ClassicPress needed

As per this announcement and this tutorial, the i18n team needs your help to translate ClassicPress in your language!

If you volunteered to help in the past and are waiting to start, now is the time to connect in private either with me or with @timkaye with a valid e-mail so that we can give you access to Crowdin Enterprise ClassicPress space.

Ideally, we would like to complete core localization and release the first ClassicPress translations and then start localizing the default theme that will be shipped with ClassicPress once ready (as of now ClassicPress first default theme is available to you if you are running the latest nightly).

I am aware that localizing ClassicPress is a “scary” labour of love for this first release, since we need to check all the strings, correct all the tag warnings, and then proofread them all. This work however will benefit us in the future because next releases will happen only when changes to the strings are made and only on the changed strings.

By helping localize ClassicPress, you are making its history and setting a very important milestone in its development. Being able to bring ClassicPress to as many users as possible in their own language is a step towards inclusion and accessibility.

If you feel you are not competent enough to help in other areas of ClassicPress development, know that you have the chance to make a difference by localizing it in you language, and that your help is not only needed but highly valued.

If you feel you can’t do it all by yourself, ClassicPress is first and foremost a community. You are not localizing alone, and all contributions are welcome, big or small. Every string that gets localized is a step forward.

For every doubt or question about localizing you might have, do not hesitate to reach out on the forums, Crowdin managers are here to help!

See you all on Crowdin and Happy Localizing!