Canuck CP Theme issue

Just wondering if anyone can help. I’m checking out the Canuck CP theme and can’t find a way to remove the site title and tag line.

I’ve found the option in Site Identity, but unmarking it doesn’t remove the title and tagline. Does anyone know what I am missing?

I’d also like to stop the top title/menu bar going white when you scroll or on pages, but not sure if there is a setting for this?

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Tagging @kevinhaig – he’ll probably know exactly where/how to do this.

Yeah you need to remove the title and tagline in 2 spots if you want it blank. Go to Canuck CP Home Page → Home Feature Options and remove it there as well.

You can only change the scroll menu background from white using Custom CSS or a Child theme.


The Home Title and Hone Description fields are already blank.

I think there might be a bug where by the Display Site Title and Tagline checkbox has no effect when unmarked.

Don’t use the checkbox, it does not do anything. You need to remove the site title and tagline from each place.

I do now see this as a bit confusing and will adjust it in the next update so the checkbox works.

TBH I never really designed the background page to be without a title or tagline.

You can’t remove the title and tagline from the site identity one as that also removes it from the ClassicPress Settings.

Yes I know. It works but the title tags in the head section is blank.

So I guess the answer ATM is no you can’t remove the title and tagline.

Like I said… I really did not design the background to be without them.

Thinking a bit more on this, you can probably use a display:none; temporary fix.

I will take a look at making the checkbox work.

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Should be fixed in 1.0.7. Thanks @azurecurve.

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