ClassicCommerce missing product data dropdown

When you switch to Mac from Linux or viceversa you also can’t take first the app and then the OS
You have to first switch OS and then look for apps

It’s similar with wp and cp
They might not be yet as different as macOS and other Linux distributions but the core issue is the same

You’ll have to make the move from WP to cp first, and add cc as soon that’s done

The migration plugin should help with this.

About the error itself, was anyone able to replicate this with cp?
If not, it’s not a bug. It’d be an incompatibility issue which are expected to be there when using tools not intended for the cms - it’s like using toolset on cp.
It’ll work, but there’ll be expected issues.

Since you’re working on mamp I would suggest to try installing cp and seeing if the issue persists.


Thanks for this – I had no idea there was an actual term for the phrase, “take it or leave it”.


I think what it really comes down to is resources. ClassicPress simply doesn’t have enough resources (contributors) to maintain Classic Commerce compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress.

As WordPress continues to evolve and introduce breaking changes (even breaking WooCommerce from time to time), maintaining compatibility will introduce code-bloat and waste precious time that can be spent on developing Classic Commerce for the ClassicPress community.

The best way for anyone wishing to switch to Classic Commerce before switching to ClassicPress would be to test everything in a staging environment or locally. Migrate WordPress to ClassicPress, then activate Classic Commerce and WooCommerce compatibility plugin. Then test everything to ensure it all works as expected.

Any and all contributions to Classic Commerce are welcome and encouraged :slight_smile:


To keep people up to date on this issue, I have initiated a PR to introduce a fix. There were some things I couldn’t do (changing SCSS source files to build the css) so it needs more input, but my solution does at least get the dropdown working when CC is used on later versions of WP. It is just not exactly in the right place. :wink:

If anyone urgently needs to get CC working with WP then they can copy in the files from that PR.

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