Comments counter on posts and pages?

On all of my posts, there is a “counter” at the top right side of the post that shows the NUMBER of comments… it currently lists 0 on all of them, because I have commenting turned OFF…

Does anyone know how to get RID of that counter?

That’s part of your theme. The easiest thing to do is use CSS to hide it. Do you have an example page? Or theme name?

Viktor - the theme is NEWSPAPER/NEWSMAG from tagDiv (in Germany, I believe). I’ve looked in there, but don’t see anything regarding the HIT counter for comments… the example is any post on my site, at - that counter is on the top right of any post or page

Have you contacted tagdiv support?
Their email is [email protected]

Until you’ve gotten help from tagDiv, you can hide it with CSS, if there’s a place you can add custom CSS:
.td-post-views { display:none; }

Thanks! Actually, tagDiv got right back with me… it was a setting I had missed.

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