I also made a comment, I suppose could be called negative. But I don’t really know how to make it more positive
I could have said " Wow, I found that really complicated to follow because (reasons here)" but as I couldn’t follow what it was all about, then I wouldn’t know how to be any more precise about the reasons apart from finding it too complicated - given that the title used the word “layman”
That implies very strongly someone who know nothing about the topic. One rung less informed than a beginner even.
I noticed it was about something called “git” and the only meaning for me of a git is a “nasty and curmudgeonly person”.
So for the lay person it needs to actually say what it is about.
The article starts off saying “git” is a “Version Control System” - well that means absolutely nothing to me so I fall down at the very first hurdle. Or is a layman supposed to know what Version Control System means.
I have found this kind of thing a problem for me, I started off last year really embracing the concept of Classicpress and switched to it on five of my sites, but have now gone back to Wordpress - partly because when I read this forum it all seems to be aimed so much towards very techy people. Which I am not.
Also I’m having great difficulty even dealing with this forum interface, I’m used to something more intuitive like xenforo. It is hard to navigate.
In fact earlier this morning I saw a PM from the author of the article asking me to explain. That was on my mobile. Now I’m on my desktop it seems to have disappeared.
Anyway, I apologise, I know this seems very negative so to be more positive
- I would like better explanations for people who are not developers and don’t know all the jargon or acronyms.
- A better laid out and more useable forum platform for discussion.
Who knows, I may come back to Classicpress.