From Twitter v1.0.0 Released

From Twitter 1.0.0 released

Automate the retrieval of tweets from Twitter and create posts on your ClassicPress site.

:new: What’s New

From Twitter includes the following functionality;

  • Search Twitter and create tweets as posts or as a Tweet custom post type.
  • Specify the title and content in posts for retrieved tweets.
  • Choose whether to save tweet data.
  • Choose cron frequency (hourly, twice daily or daily).
  • Choose how many tweets to return each time the cron runs (max 100 as per Twitter api).
  • Choose whether Tweet images should be downloaded.

:arrow_down: Download

Download From Twitter 1.0.0 to manually install.

:man_juggling:: Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the Plugin Support Forum

:bulb: Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.