Github Plugin for Forum

Modify Discourse-Github to better match our needs.

Suggestions from @james:

  • pull only the commits we want (something like LAST_WP_COMMIT...develop)
  • use the GitHub API instead of git log
  • pull from multiple repositories (migration plugin, APIs, etc.)
  • include people who have opened issues / commented

Note: we are only planning to get to this after the launch of the beta.

Looks like it uses the GitHub API now - discourse-github/app/lib/commits_populator.rb at 84dc3516550bdb16e9354f751bb7c94400f5d208 · discourse/discourse-github · GitHub - and supports multiple repositories.

The rest is still valid, we only want to pull commits back to LAST_WP_COMMIT, and we’ll need to improve/tweak various things about how people are counted:

  • Include commit authors rather than just the person who merged a PR
  • Not all PRs are merged using “Merge pull request” text in the commit message, but this is all it looks for
  • Count issues and comments