Gravity Forms no longer fully compatible with CP

Not sure exactly when it happened (prior to GF’s most recent update), but at least two common add-ons for GF (Stripe and Mailchimp) are no longer fully functional with CP, including CP v2.

For instance, with Stripe, the ability to map form fields to Billing Information or Customer Information is ‘missing’. With Mailchimp, the ability to map submitted info is also missing.
The good news is if you’ve already mapped fields, GF continues to map submitted info accordingly (so far).

The workaround I’ve used, when I need a new feed for Stripe or Mailchimp or need to adjust an existing feed, is to revert to GF 2.4.24, map the fields and then update to the current version of GF. There may come a time when mapping under the old version of GF no longer works with the current version. At that point, on websites for which GF is a mission-critical plugin, I fear I’ll have to switch to WP.

Unfortunately, a CP-friendly, robust replacement for GF is not available, afaik,

Can you check if there are PHP errors or warning?
If this depends on a function not implemented in CP we can see if we can “polyfill” the function.
Do you have errors in the browser console?
There are some plugins that are not working because they heavily rely on react or other JS libraries.

Yes, that’s my experience. Features related to dynamic dropdowns aren’t working. I posted in GF forum, but had no response:

@Simone this seems to be JS issue, might be missing JS package we removed. Here’s an example error:

Errors on the Stripe feed look like this:
Uncaught ReferenceError: initializeFieldMap is not defined

Yeah, sorry I’m just restating what @viktor said.

If it’s possible to polyfill the function, that would be wonderful. GF is indispensible on several of the sites I manage.

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