Help with Count views

Say beautiful and wonderful people! I’m looking for a view count plugin for my site’s posts. I would like, if possible, to point me to one made especially for ClassicPress. Thank you very much!

I found a snippet in an utility plugin. It was coded for a client but never used, so it never became a plugin.
Please consider that it was poorly tested.

If you find it useful, here it is:

class MyCounter{

	public $counter = [];

	public function __construct() {
		add_filter('the_content', [$this, 'increment']);
		add_shortcode('xsxcounter', [$this, 'shortcode']);

	public function increment($content) {
		if(!is_singular('post') || !in_the_loop()) {
			return $content;
		global $post;
		if ($this->counter === []) {
			$counter = get_option('xsx_counter', []);
		$counter[$post->ID] = isset($counter[$post->ID]) ? $counter[$post->ID]+1 : 1;
		update_option('xsx_counter', $counter);
		return $content;

	public function shortcode(){
		global $post;
		if ($this->counter === []) {
			$counter = get_option('xsx_counter', []);
		return $counter[$post->ID];

new MyCounter;

It keep track of single post view and you can display the number of visits using [xsxcounter] shortcode.

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People typically don’t like being counted. That said, the code snippet is lacking an easy way to show the count without changing each post/page to put a shortcode.

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You hit the spot :rofl:
My client wanted that feature but finally I’ve convinced him that people don’t like to be counted, so I stopped working on that code!


Strange that people are bothered by the view counter. However, I would like a plugin that actually works. I don’t have snippets skills