How many users of ClassicPress - stats?

I was curious about something as I am writing a draft article about ClassicPress…are there any stats on how many users of CP currently exist?

UPDATE: Ah, just as I posted this, I see this How many CP installs?


I don’t think that post is updated with the latest stat!


I was sitting here sketching out some ideas for a free “ClassicPress” theme, and then started to wonder with curiosity…are there any stats as to how many CP users there are?

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User has made this exact topic before, so I am going to merging this post into that discussion.

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Updating these stats more regularly is still on my list of tasks to do for the ClassicPress infrastructure. We’re making progress there but there is still a lot to do. For example, I just finished up a bunch of changes to the documentation site yesterday, and I’ll be writing up a post about that today.


Looking forward to it.