I thought I'd end the year as I intend to start the next

By taking action.

And where to better start than home? At least one of my new homes online: CP Engineered

So far the ride with ClassicPress has been an enjoyable one. Even though I’ve not interacted much with many of you, I’ve somewhat got to know and understand a little bit about some of you - I intend to get involved more with the community and especially getting to know more about those of you who have put in double the effort if not more and hopefully give a little back in appreciation :slight_smile:

If you would be so kind to accept my shortfall and lend me an ear or two, I may have a lot more to say in 2020 :wink: - You still have a a few more days left for this year so enjoy it while it lasts :innocent:


We’re happy to have you, and we’ll have a good place for all of your themes soon :wink:


Sounds like Christmas shall come early in 2020 :slight_smile:


Thanks so much for being part of our community!