Improve color contrast of "visited" links

We may have screwed up dark mode. Grays are not bright enough for black background.

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Code (?) looks bad too:

Dark mode is awful on discourse, I love dark mode and disabled it, should mean a lot :smiley:
Couldn’t read a thing today in the morning as it was auto-enabled (guess it takes system prefs)

It’s not only the links but the whole contrast (our “green” top bar mixed with black is really irritating, for example, or the red/orange highlight on hover menu links, )

While the green top bar can be made gone by choosing discourse default dark mode instead of brand dark mode, it is still not really user friendly, not even for my wasted eyes.
Perhaps we should just disable dark mode alltgt. I mean… if we did not use dark code editor on docs, where it actually looked good, I don’t see why to keep the dark mode in discourse, unless we want to invest lot of time in styling adjustments.

With all the changes and updates frontend UI, this issue seems to have been fixed. Overall, dark mode is much better now.