View in #committee on Slack
@wade: Agenda for the committee meeting starting at 4pm UTC:
@kontakt: well … I am lurking. Being on the road et all.
@blueskyphoenixllc: I’m here.
@mte90net: :code: me too
@tim.kaye: I am here too,!
@wade: Are we okay to start? We have 6 at the moment
@raygulick: 7 if we count @kontakt lurking
@kontakt: here
@blueskyphoenixllc: Pinging @slack1596 @jnylen
@wade: First item is Committee Meeting Participation
> Why do we say that non-committee members cannot participate in our meetings? This decreases engagement from the public. I would much rather we trust our members to participate constructively. We’ll still have to make sure only committee members vote, make sure no one (committee or not) derails the meeting, etc, but I think it is worth it.
Voting: (Yes/No) Allow all members to participate constructively in committee meetings.
@raygulick: Good question
@blueskyphoenixllc: Personally, I think that now that we’re past v1, this is a valid question
@wade: I think there is always good input from the community, and by not allowing anyone to comment we cut that off
@kontakt: hm … how to restrict voting in slack just to members of the committee?
@wade: There isn’t a way, it would be just reminding everyone
@blueskyphoenixllc: we can see who has voted so… we can un-count votes from non-committee members if we have to
@wade: but also making it clear when we do a vote
@blueskyphoenixllc: but I think it is going to take reminding folks
@raygulick: Always
@wade: I still think it is worth it to get the input
@slack1596: arrives
@blueskyphoenixllc: okay — any other discussion? Or shall we vote
@slack1596: it’s going to get a “no” from me i’m afraid
i like the idea of more involvement, but i don’t think this meeting is the right time or place
@raygulick: What problems do you foresee?
@slack1596: time
we increased the frequency so that we didn’t have to spend as much time each meeting
@wade: When we had a dozen things on the agenda I agree, but at the moment we are averaging 1-2 voting items per meeting
@slack1596: yes, because we’re right around a major release
it’ll go back up again soon enough
@kontakt: maybe a goid mix of both
@blueskyphoenixllc: What other formal processes do we have in place (or can we put in place) to create a way for the community to have a voice?
@slack1596: i’m open to other ideas - maybe a scheduled q&a
@guerreiro.rui: maybe it can exist other type of meetings/discussions with a broader audience, but that don’t replace the Committee meetings
@wade: A q&a before the meeting on the topics listed in the agenda?
@slack1596: no, different day
it’s hard enough to block out a fixed bit of time as it is
@guerreiro.rui: like in WP that exist specific meetings for core, translations, etc
@blueskyphoenixllc: let’s remember for a minute what the committee’s role is here — vs. team roles. Can community be served within the team?
@wade: I think it would have to be before/during the actual meeting otherwise there is no point
@blueskyphoenixllc: depends on the topic
@slack1596: we already have a mechanism for fixing anything the community thinks we got wrong - we just bring it up again 2 weeks later
@raygulick: How far ahead of comm mtgs do we usually post the agenda on forum?
@slack1596: i’m not seeing the value of synchronous input in this meeting
@kontakt: maybe after? although I tend to agree with a different / seperate day / datetime
@wade: So I post the agenda now on the Monday before
@raygulick: So, 2 days ahead of time
@wade: So we could do a scheduled q&a when the agenda comes out
@raygulick: Maybe we should be promoting community input on that post
@blueskyphoenixllc: It would also allow us to funnel Q’s to the appropriate team leads for A’s rather than taking up committee time
@slack1596: how about we agree the next q&a as the last point of each committee meeting?
@wade: I think after is a waste of time, we have already voted on whatever was in the agenda
@slack1596: that way it can be fit in around everyone’s schedule and based on how many things were on the agenda?
@blueskyphoenixllc: I would guess that most community questions are going to be better answered within teams rather than by committee… remember our org structure
@wade: I think the Monday before and I agree with @blueskyphoenixllc we can filter the questions to the right team leads before we even get to the meeting
@blueskyphoenixllc: we should be addressing community concerns BEFORE it ever reaches a committee vote
if something has come to the committee for a vote, we’ve already heard from the community on it… if we’re doing this right
@slack1596: that’s fine in theory - in which case, the forums are the right place for that
@blueskyphoenixllc: yes
@raygulick: Anyone not think 2 days is a reasonable period of time for community comment? If commenting is promoted?
@blueskyphoenixllc: and whatever needs to be discussed at the team level in real time can be done in team meetings, like Wade, Ray & I have been doing
I think 2 days is reasonable for anything coming up for a vote, but I think encouraging people to be more involved at the team level is important as well
we need to get the community more connected and taking ownership/action. Committee & team leads are carrying the great majority of the load right now
@slack1596: ok, that works - we have team meetings sometime in the off-weeks
@wade: So how do we want to vote on this agenda item then?
@blueskyphoenixllc: Off weeks are a perfect time to touch base at the team level and get a pulse of how the community is flowing.
I propose that we table this vote pending a trial of this alternate solution for now.
@slack1596: table? i thought we’d already tabled it?
@wade: Okay - we will do an off-week team meeting and a 2 day comment period leading up to the next committee meeting
@slack1596: or is this one of those same-language-different-meaning things?
@tim.kaye: Table in the US means put off.
@blueskyphoenixllc: table = postpone or suspend
@slack1596: ah - means the opposite here
@blueskyphoenixllc: sorry
@tim.kaye: Table in the UK means make a motion.
@blueskyphoenixllc: Yikes. Okay, more specifically: I propose that we suspend consideration of this topic pending a trial of an alternate solution.
@wade: Sounds good, moving on:
ClassicPress Default Theme
> @zulfgani has been working on a fork of Storefront at and he’s got a demo up at . For now the action item is just to make others aware this exists. In order to do anything about it we’ll probably need to make progress on our rules and decision-making processes first.
There is nothing to vote on at this time with regards to this
@raygulick: I don’t understand what the issue is here
@wade: Nothing, just an agenda item to make the committee aware of it
> In order to do anything about it we’ll probably need to make progress on our rules and decision-making processes first.
Will likely be done at the team level
@blueskyphoenixllc: I think it’s great that the community is stepping up and taking charge of things where they see a need. However we can encourage more of that — 1000000%
@slack1596: i think it’s worth considering what we want from our default theme
@guerreiro.rui: do we want a default theme?
@wade: I think that is a team level decision, similar to the hosting
@blueskyphoenixllc: Sure — this is more a development and design team collaboration though, doesn’t need to be a committee level thing, does it?
@slack1596: technically we need a default theme
i think it crosses all teams
i’m not suggesting we do that now
@wade: Okay, moving on then:
Discussion on Rules and Voting
> Now that v1 is out, this is something we need to address. We’ve already agreed on a roadmap for v2, but there are other things that we’d like to implement.
This is just follow up, do we have a public flowchart/description or anything to showcase here? If not, we can postpone until we have that ready
@mte90net: no we don’t have
@tim.kaye: I don’t mind you showing my proposed flowchart here, but I am on my phone so can’t do it myself.
@slack1596: i think table that for next time
@wade: Let’s work out the description to compliment the flowchart then release it all at once for public feedback
Okay, final agenda item:
Team Lead Updates
> Description: Updates from all Team Leads
@blueskyphoenixllc: Okay — mine is easy. Marketing/design has a general plan of attack and are doing our best to implement but could use help.
I know I’m not the only one that needs the help…
I think we all do
@mte90net: my updates are quite simple, for i18n we aren ot getting any new reviewer so my ideas was to move on with the reviewer of the languages of our first set and unlock the oters that we have already people available
@wade: I have some stuff ready for PH, I also have some time set aside to help with marketing tomorrow and Friday
@blueskyphoenixllc: Daniele I think that’s wise — that way you can move forward with what you have.
Marketing intends to support with more calls for reviewers; I’ve fleshed out a more cohesive plan but again — need content. Which takes time to produce.
@slack1596: i think this is a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem
we need more people to help, and to get them we need to do more work
@blueskyphoenixllc: 100% is.
@slack1596: i’ll take this over to marketing, but are there any quick wins just on general awareness?
@blueskyphoenixllc: We’re gaining steadily on Twitter, although I can’t give you #s right this minute
about 1340 followers
but things have quieted - partly because I’m having trouble generating content quickly enough
@slack1596: ok, that’s twitter - i mention cp to people and the first question is always “what’s that?”
@wade: Let’s move to marketing and end the committee meeting
@slack1596: fine by me - just wanted to get people thinking about it - job done
@wade: Okay, thanks everyone! I will move the chat to the forums now