Migration of Bludit microblog?

Hi all;
stumbled into ClassicPress coming from Bludit, and Wordpress before that. Looking for a somewhat lightweight engine for running a personal microblog, mostly short text snippets and then and now images. My current Bludit implementation lives here - https://status.z428.eu/ - which seems to work mostly well but Bludit (as I think mostly due to its database-less nature) is behaving more and more sluggish the larger the site gets.
So I wonder, starting here:

  • Generally: Would ClassicPress be an option worth considering for that use case?
  • Is there a good theme to be used in ClassicPress for microblogging use cases, ideally similar to what I’ve done so far? Most of the WordPress themes I know haven’t really been good at this.
  • Does ClassicPress so far feature some kind of “data import” from systems other than WordPress?

Thanks very much and best regards,

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  • yes ClassicPress is a very good option for a microblog. you can read about requirement/installation here.
  • As for suitable themes, looking in the WP repo with the search term microblog gave me three options. based on the layout of the site you currently have this seems the most similar IMHO, but you can also use one of default themes (twentyfifteen ClassicPress child) that comes pre-installed in ClassicPress to obtain a similar look.
  • as concerns importing posts, searching online I found this. Someone made a plugin for Bludit that you can install and use to export the data as XML that is the file ClassicPress accepts for imports. When you have this file, install the WP Importer Plugin from the WP repo in your ClassicPress install (going to Plugins>Installed Plugins>Add New) and then visit Tools>Import and select the XML file with your Bludit posts and it’s done.

Ok, thanks very much. :slight_smile: Will give it a try then and see how far I manage to get.


My blog was on Bludit before I moved to Wp and eventually ClassicPress)… if you have the rss feed for Bludit blog, you can try to import into ClassicPress using a rss import plugin.
The longer route would be to convert all Bludit posts from markdown to .csv and import to wordpress.

best wishes.