New Version of Classic Commerce


I have an updated version of Classic Commerce available. I followed the WooCommerce changelog and made all the relevant changes up to version 9.4.

I’ve been using a version I have based on WooCommerce 5.0 on production sites for a while now with no issues, and just kept going up the changelog to 9.4.

I couldn’t get the attributes lookup table or HPOS to work, so I skipped those for now. I will try to add them at some point. This has been a spare time project.

You don’t need the compatibilty plugin to run WooCommerce extensions with this version.

You can download it here…

Let me know if you run into any issues.


That sounds great! Would you be interested in becoming an admin for the “official” Classic Commerce Github repo?

I would be happy to lend a hand on Github where I can and would love see Classic Commerce maintained officially. Not having an up to date eCommerce plugin for ClassicPress seemed to be a big issue, which is why I did this. I maintain a few eCommerce sites and there really aren’t any other options out there I was happy with.

One thing I didn’t do was keep a detailed changelog. Not sure if that matters. As it is, this took 4 or 5 months of spare time. WooCommerce is really complicated.


I’ve sent you an invitation to become a maintainer at Classic Commerce.

If you haven’t already, I suggest you clone the Classic Commerce Repo to your own Github account, and then use that to make your changes — doing them in batches would be better than in one go, I suspect — and submit Pull Requests to the main CC repo.

As those changes get merged into the CC code, Github will keep a record which we can use for a changelog.

I created a new account on Github and accepted your invitation. I had one years ago, and never used it. I’m not familiar with Github at all, so I’ll have to figure out how everything works.

Would I have to start from square one and redo all the changes through Github? I made all the changes on a live test site, so I could catch any errors more or less right away as I was working on it. That sped things up quite a bit.

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If you clone the official site to your account, you should create a new branch (in the left-hand box that will currently say develop, master, or main). Then you can simply copy and paste your changes into that branch.

If you want to make the changes in stages, just create a new branch for each set.

Once you have saved your changes, you will be given the option of submitting a Pull Request (PR) to the official repo. Then one of the CC repo’s admins can take a look.

I’m happy to test and potentially provide improvements, esp. related to EU-centric plugin addons, eg. Germanized for WooCommerce, German Market etc.

cu, w0lf.

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There seems to be an issue with the zip archive: When trying to use the upload + install feature, CP just ends it with an error: “Incompatible Archive.”

To fix this, I’ve uncompressed the original archive locally and compressed it with the locally installed Info-Zip version 3.0 (Linux, x86_64). With this, everything works as expected.

Weirdly enough, when testing the archive integrity with Info-Zip, it succeeds, but when using Ark, the test fails. So something definitely is broken or wrong. But if you continue development on github, this issue should fix itself automatically, as AFAIK the github release generator and archive system uses Linux / Unix-based, generic libraries as well.

cu, w0lf.

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This is fantastic news, and I appreciate the effort here! :pray:

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Would you also like to be added as a maintainer of the official Classic Commerce repo?

I’m not sure what’s going on with the .zip file. It’s the only one that does this. The one with the previous version uploads fine. I rezipped it and it still causes the error. I’l keep working on it. For now, just upload it via ftp.

The .zip file should be fixed now.


Do you know what caused the issue?

No. Everytime I zipped it on Windows I got the error. I’ve never had this problem before. I zipped and downoaded it from my file manager and that copy was fine.

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Sure, please do :slight_smile:

My guess its some kind of library issue. I had similar issues when using different Zip compression implementations in the past (I think it was WinZip or some other “alternative”), and when just switching the archive manager and using the “basic” zip compression, the issues went away.

cu, w0lf.

Now done!

This is really great news! :+1:


Caught an error that just popped up for some reason. There was a missing function that affected the product edit screen. It’s fixed now.

Quick question is this version the same as the version in the ClassicPress plugins directory along side the cc-compat-with-woocommerce plugin on the webpage?

The reason I aske is because I tried to install it in my test environment on wamp64 and received the following error:

Deprecated: Function wp_enqueue_script was called with an argument that is deprecated since version CP-2.2.0! The enqueued script jquery-ui-core has been deprecated. It will be removed in version 3.0.0 of ClassicPress. Further details may be found at Deprecated Scripts | ClassicPress. in C:\wamp64\www\newclassicpresstestsite\wp-includes\functions.php on line 5727
Call Stack

Time Memory Function Location

1 0.0003 446400 {main}( ) …\index.php:0
2 0.1841 3687216 require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\newclassicpresstestsite\wp-admin\admin-header.php ) …\index.php:116
3 0.1846 3695984 do_action( $hook_name = ‘admin_enqueue_scripts’, …$arg = variadic(‘index.php’) ) …\admin-header.php:118
4 0.1846 3696200 WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ‘index.php’] ) …\plugin.php:517
5 0.1846 3696200 WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = ‘’, $args = [0 => ‘index.php’] ) …\class-wp-hook.php:332
6 0.1859 3720520 _cp_deprecate_wp_enqueue_scripts( ‘index.php’ ) …\class-wp-hook.php:308
7 0.1859 3720840 _deprecated_argument( $function_name = ‘wp_enqueue_script’, $version = ‘CP-2.2.0’, $message = ‘The enqueued script jquery-ui-core has been deprecated. It will be removed in version 3.0.0 of ClassicPress. Further details may be found at Deprecated Scripts | ClassicPress’ ) …\deprecated.php:1692
8 0.1859 3721352 trigger_error( $message = ‘Function wp_enqueue_script was called with an argument that is deprecated since version CP-2.2.0! The enqueued script jquery-ui-core has been deprecated. It will be removed in version 3.0.0 of ClassicPress. Further details may be found at Deprecated Scripts | ClassicPress’, $error_level = 16384 ) …\functions.php:5727

Just wondering if the original and/or this one will be updated when the new version of ClassicPress is released sometime in December?