Perspective API

We have now turned on the Perspective API plugin.

This will help ensure that discussions that take place on the ClassicPress Forums will remain inclusive and encourage everyone to express themselves and seek out discussions with individuals who have different opinions in a positive way. We have always stood by the fact that ClassicPress is a place where all should feel welcomed regardless of views.

What is the Perspective API?
Perspective API is a Google Funded project to help faciliate better discussions online. In simple terms, it identifies whether a comment could be perceived as “toxic" to a discussion. You can learn more about it here.

How does it work?
This will take some fine tuning to ensure we aren’t flagging false positives. As of right now, we are using the “severe toxicity” model with a confidence threshold of 0.6 (or 60%). The confidence level of post toxicity is between 0 and 1 where a score of 1 means a post is extremely toxic. By using the “severe toxicity” model the api will be much less sensitive to comments that include positive uses of curse-words for example.

What happens when I post something ‘toxic’?
As you try to submit a post you will receive the following pop-up:

If you proceed with posting, which may be because you feel the API is wrong, your post will be flagged for review by our moderators and admins.


Love this addition, thanks!


This sounds … AWESOME!

Good job, and thanks.

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Cool! I need this when I try BuddyPress again!