Plugin recommendation: anti-spam (Contact Form 7)

Why not change the forms plugin instead? Pick the right one and then you can use WPBruiser for free. Or write your own forms, and use the free HTML Forms plugin to connect to WPBruiser.

Gravity forms does alright with it’s honeypot feature. This combined with required fields doesny usually result in much spam.

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Before Cerber I used Antispam Bee, it worked on CF7 well, but omitted some comment spam (not many). In general, I was happy, but then found Cerber and switched.

Almost 3000 lines of code. Almost abandoned, supported only by volunteers.

Update: Sorry, checked, I used it only for comments. Mark to myself: check facts before writing!

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I would probably use reCAPTCHA v3:

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Redsandmarketing firewall and WP-Spamshield opinions

Update: I went with the Really Simple CAPTCHA – WordPress plugin | recommendation from above. It is self-hosted, very simple, and free. Even though it is a captcha it is really not very annoying for humans. Overall, a good starting point.