Plugins for Auctions, Group Buy and Lotteries / Giveaways on ClassicPress

Hi to all! We are addon / plugin developers for WooCommerce (first auction plugin for WooCommerce called Woo Simple Auctions).

Since we like ClassicPress a lot we tought that ClassicPress community could have some interest in our plugins and how they work / perform on ClassicPress setup.

Here is quick guide ClassicPress - Get Simple Auctions, Lottery and Group Buy running on lightweight WordPress fork • wpgenie's WooCommerce plugins where we explained how get auctions, group buy / deals or lottery website based on ClassicPress.

Performance is exceptional. We plan to test newer version of WooCommerce on ClassicPress 2.0 since it should work due to blocks support.


That is a great post, pointing out all the needed things to make the plugins work in CP (and also coincidentally it helps also people who want to see what version of Woo is safe to use in CP! bonus points!!).

Thanks for developing for CP!!


So do you have people running WooCommerce on ClassicPress? I once asked if it worked and didn’t find anyone with personal experience.

Perhaps you could elaborate on whether there are any challenges or issues with running WooCommerce on ClassicPress.

Knowing it works well would make a big difference in who else can use CP.

We will create demo website with Woo and post url here so you can check and test it.

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Here is demo website with ClassicPress 2.1.1 running Storefront theme, WooCommerce and Simple Auctions plugin


While I do appreciate the effort, and it looks good, I wonder how long it will take until WooCommerce won’t be compatible with CP, and it will produce a fatal error.

I would not start an eCommerce site on CP and WooCommerce these days. I am managing a few WP + WooCommerce websites, and they are adding lots of features and block-oriented functionality. WooCommerce is more bloated than ever.

Trust is an issue here.

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To be fair, @wpgenie has made it clear on the site which plugins and versions they are using, so they have already addressed that concern. There’s no reason to believe that the version of WooCommerce they’re using is going to break; after all, most Woo development these days is about adding blocks and bloat.

As @Ciprian says, the site looks great! If I needed an ecommerce site right now, I’d have no qualms using something like this setup.


@timkaye Yes, I agree.

What about keeping the payment gateways up to date? Stripe has added some nice features lately, and PayPal has also some new API features.

It would be nice if WooCommerce would be separated from Stripe and PayPal, and these 2 turned into plugins. It would be easier to maintain them separately.

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Best would be if ClassicCommerce could fork Woo v8.2 which had stable HPOS released and enabled by default. Then just patch it for security and eventual major bugs.


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