Poll - Current Usage of / Interest in CP

Hi all,

Just trying to get a feel for the current level of interest in and usage of CP. At present, I must confess to feeling stuck in a state of limbo. I haven’t committed one way or the other. I currently have a couple of sites in CP, a couple in WP5.2.2 and the rest stuck on WP4.9.9 (or .10). Just wondering what everyone else is doing?

This isn’t meant to be a comprehensive survey so sorry if I’ve missed off some options but feedback would be appreciated nevertheless.

Thanks in advance.

At time of this post, the latest version of WP is 5.2.2 and the latest version of CP is 1.0.1

  • No plans to use CP at all
  • Not using CP at present, staying with WP 4.9.x for now but waiting for CP v2
  • Not using CP at present, updated all sites to latest WP but waiting for CP v2
  • Moved some sites to latest CP but mostly still using WP4.9.x
  • Moved some sites to latest CP but mostly using latest WP
  • Moved away from WP completely and now using only latest CP
  • Currently got a mix of CP v1, WP 4.9.x and WP v5.2.x
  • Moved or in process of moving away from WP and CP completely
  • Don’t know
  • Other

0 voters

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Chose “other” as no option for “Moved most sites to latest CP but some still using WP4.9.x”