Replacement for Woocommerce

I notice that Classic Commerce is not maintained. Does anyone know if this is likely to change or is there something else out there?


As mentioned in another thread, WooCommerce up to (and including) 3.9.5 works flawlessly with CP 2.x.

Tests with WC 4 / 5 didnt work out, as only the settings area was visible, but orders etc. had displaying issues, probably because of too much react usage.

If there is enough interest, I might do a test with CP 2.2 nightly and all versions of WC from 4 till now (which should be 9.1 or so).

cu, w0lf.


One has to note. One needs to replace the integrated PayPal gateway, but thats a global issue of WooCommerce, not necessarly WC 3.9.5.

They = automattic replaced it at some point with a rather mediocre plugin solution, while from my tests, the best option turned out to be “Payment Gateway for PayPal on WooCommerce” by easypayment.

cu, w0lf.


This is correct. The official WooCommerce PayPal plugin is problematic garbage. Most of the unofficial payment plugins work much better.

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