Theme review process

How long does it take for a theme to be reviewed and accepted (or rejected)?

I have a theme in review for more than a week.


A week or more, it’s not that long. If you’ve ever asked for a theme or plugin to be published on WP, it takes a few months for them to consider it.
Anyway, W3p Seo looks interesting.


I have a bunch of plugins on, so I am familiar with the waiting times. I was just curious with the process and the time here, with ClassicPress.

I’ll wait.

The thing is, Saturn is my only theme, I use it for all my projects, and it’s dual compatible with both WP and CP.

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@Ciprian, if you are fine with this, I can open a pull request in the theme repo to add a GitHub workflow, so you can check by yourself if the theme passes the ClassicPress’s coding standards.

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I am fine with this, sure!

I have done everything according to the guidelines.

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PR opened. I think you should enable actions and give workflows read/write access to the repo.


Apologizes. I saw that you also have plugins on WP.
However, my themes are also compatible with WP and CP, but CP requires compliance with its standards which are slightly different from those of WP. Verified in person with my theme. But just install Simone’s Workflow, and debugging for compatibility will be very quick.
I have installed Simone’s workflow on all the plugins and themes I am developing, although I don’t know if I will ever publish some of them on CP (or WP). But it is a great help to improve your coding and make it more secure.


Thanks @Simone, I have approved the PR, and the first workflow ran, and found some “issues”. I will work on them.

Note that I do not agree with changing, for example, strip_tags() to wp_strip_tags() and json_encode() to wp_json_encode(). I find the WP equivalents more bloated, and the native PHP ones are doing their job really well, for decades now.

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Specific sniffs can be removed if people agree.

Anyway, you can always do this in your code:

// wp_json_encode() is bloated
$encoded = json_encode( $my_data );  // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.json_encode_json_encode

Awesome, thanks!

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