TukuToi CP Directory Integration

CP Directory Integration

Enables a ClassicPress Plugin Screen to browse, install, activate, deactivate, update, delete and paginate through ClassicPress Plugins in the ClassicPress Admin area.


Download CP Directory Integration


I support issues with the plugin. If you find issues, have feature requests or recommendations please add an issue at Issues · TukuToi/tukutoi-cp-directory-integration · GitHub
I do not support, fix or adjust issues that arise due to plugins listed in the Directory and thus are downloadable, installable and updatable with the CP Directory Integration Plugin.


More details

Navigate to Dashboard > Plugins > CP Plugins and start Installing Plugins. You can install, activate, deactivate, update, delete, and also search Plugins from within the same screen. The Directory results are cached locally for fast performance, and you can refresh the local cache on the click of a button (refresh list)

A “more info” for each plugin will display all information known to ClassicPress Directory API about the plugin and developer in a relatively raw, but practical format. A “Read More on GitHub” allows you to see the GitHub repo details.
A “report this plugin” link allows you to notify the CP Plugin Review Team directly (or indirectly if you have no mailer) about serious issues in the plugin, if any.
A “Contact Developer” link allows you to directly navigate to the Dev’s Forum Profile (if any) and chat with them.

The plugin requires wp_remote_get and the WP_Filesystem_Base to work properly on the server.
The plugin does not take any responsibility for Plugins downloaded that are listed in the ClassicPress Directory.


You are a genius. Thanks for being awesome.


Genius not so much.

I crafted a plugin that browse, install, activate, deactivate, update, delete and paginate through ClassicPress Plugins in the ClassicPress Admin area.
Cool, but it doesn’t update itself :face_vomiting:

This is now fixed in version 1.1.3, along with 2 other bugs (one was a Request URI too long when performing many searches without reset, and the other an underlying bug in JS, which did not cause problems per se)

Unfortunately, and ironically, the CP Integration Plugin needs to be updated manually to 1.1.3
Then, starting from 1.1.3, it will work like all other plugins in the List, meaning you can press update and it’ll update itself.

Luckily, this was caught at an early stage.