We are proud to be an authority site created by a team of web specialists and programmers who strive to keep all customers informed in the context of their current business, keeping loyalty at the forefront.
As one of the most reliable hosting companies, our site aims to make everyone on the internet a success.
We are constantly improving our server technology and providing professional support.
Our main goal is that our customers do not experience any hosting problems while realizing their dream of growing their business.
@EliteStarServices and me, we are trying to build a network of ClassicPress service providers, if you can offer ClassicPress specific hosting and ClassicPress website support you can be listed at CP Web. There is a plugin allowing people to then use a shortcode to show the full list of ClassicPress service providers (as you can see on my site here, I do use it ) and this ensures the list gets shared and gains visibility so that CP users can find the services they need within the list of professionals. On CP Web you can find the form to request to be registered on the network.
However, do keep in mind you have to offer ClassicPress specific services to get on the list.