Upgrade your site to 1.0.0-beta2 now!

We’ve just released ClassicPress 1.0.0-beta2, a security release.

If you’re still on an older version of ClassicPress, we recommend that you update your site(s) as soon as possible.

Since we are still in the beta release period, you’ll need to update your sites manually. Log in to the ClassicPress dashboard, and under the Dashboard menu item, select Updates.

You should see a prompt to update to the new version:

Click the blue “Update Now” button to complete the upgrade.

The changes in ClassicPress 1.0.0-beta2 are pulled from WordPress 4.9.9, which has the same security fixes as WordPress 5.0.1.

We’ve also fixed all known cases of an issue where certain security scanners were incorrectly detecting ClassicPress sites as WordPress 1.0.0.

You can find more information or download the full release on GitHub: Release ClassicPress 1.0.0-beta2 · ClassicPress/ClassicPress-release · GitHub

As always, we’ll be around if you need any help, just make a new thread on our support forum.