User Profile Plugin

Hi there. I have been working on a solution to enable user login, registration, profile page and profile edition on the front end.

I know there are many very complete plugins out there to complete this tasks, but I don’t like complex plugins that add loads of CSS files, JS files and endless functionality. I believe that every plugin should stay specific to solve a demand by extending the WP Core with extra functionality and nothing else.

And then, the theme itself should handle the rest (all the fancy appearence).

Since I did not find such a solution for my need of having a clean and well-coded User Profile functionality, I created Winni User Profile.

I do not intend to make this any kind of freemium or blablabla, just pure 100% Open Source. I just wanted to share it and know your opinions about it. If anything can be improved, if you see any security issues, and so on…


Thanks for that. I think many types of sites can benefits from a bloat-free solution like yours.


@alvarofranz Looks like a nice plugin.

One suggestion is to implement a little more escaping on the strings to harden for security, so instead of __(), use esc_html__() and instead of _e() use esc_html_e().

You may find Securing (escaping) Output | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources helpful.