Web242 Launches ClassicPress Hosting

Good afternoon community members. I’m delighted to announce that Web242 Media has relaunched our ClassicPress Hosting as a core service. We now offer both business hosting and a fully-managed ClassicPress hosting plan.


Our services are designed for businesses and clients who require uptime, security, backups and support. As well as a host that understands the nuances and requirements of ClassicPress.

In connecting with people here, we wanted to address some of the concerns that made hosting problematic for some, and provide solutions:

No Forced Updates
No forced WordPress core updates. This means your ClassicPress site will always work as you intended.

Security Included
No need to worry about a security plugin for your ClassicPress site. The BitNinja Site Protection plugin is enabled in your cPanel by default. Just activate and register. No need to worry about complicated security settings – it’s all setup. Yes, it really is!

We Have You Backed Up
Backups are everything! Without backups and a backup plan, recovery is impossible. Web242 provides redundant levels of server and account backups, with site restoration. For our CP Managed hosting we also have additional offsite UpdraftPlus backups.

Please note our pricing is in CAD (Canadian Dollars) and not USD as most hosting companies. That makes hosting your ClassicPress site even more affordable for US and EU customers.

Please reach out if you have any questions or are looking to migrate your WordPress site over to ClassicPress.

Thank you to the CP Community. :pray:


Do you mean “made WordPress hosting problematic”?


@timkaye Ha! True and would be a good edit actually.

But no, the security plugins for ClassicPress don’t seem well supported, if any exist, nor easy to use. I’ve seen quite a few threads on that issue, especially for Shield and people trying to make WordFence work with CP etc. All I’m saying is people don’t have to worry about a security plugin for their CP site if they don’t want to. We’re providing that at the server level for them.

But of course, people are welcome to use an extra Security Plugin if they wish - it doesn’t hurt. Not here to debate the security issue, just saying its there. :slight_smile:


Fair enough! :grinning:


Having said that, I still think a plugin to protect the login and forgot-password page is prudent.

I am actually using the “WordFence Login Security” plugin with ReCaptcha v3 for that on CP sites - and it seems to work well.


Awesome news! I am preparing to make a similar announcement :slight_smile:


I’m thrilled to say that @Web242 will be migrating, hosting, and managing my CP site. And I look forward to promoting both CP and their hosting.

Great timing for you and @MagicFab as Matt at Automattic / WP just blew up LinkedIn again.

First it was forcing Gutenberg. Then it was their issues with WP Engine. And now it is them taking over the repository page and claiming authorship of a popular plugin.

I’ve been responding to developers suggesting they check out ClassicPress. So hopefully you’ll see a spike in visits on your LinkedIn page as well as more developers checkout out CP.


@growmap Gail, delighted to have you onboard and we should be able to get you all setup this week. I’m excited for the future of ClassicPress, and where all this is heading.


@MagicFab As I’ve replied to others. The more the merrier! Especially advanced IT and tech like you.


(I edited that sentence)