What is Best Security Plugin for ClassicPress

I installed wordfence but i have some problem, wordfence detect file change after scan website. I test using All in One Security still same. do you have recommended plugin?

Hi @darylfarahi and welcome. :slight_smile:

Shield Security works with ClassicPress. As far as I know, it’s the only one that specifically supports ClassicPress.


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Shield decided 80+ comments on my site were spam when they weren’t.

Wordfence needs about 7 files to be set to ignore, but at least it doesn’t stop my readership communicating with me.

When my site’s comments were open, I had fantastic results with the spam filtering… it filtered out thousands of messages that were junk and allowed through the few that were legit. I ended up disabling comments as it was just attracting too much spam… and nobody cared much about my posts anyway. :slight_smile:

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Nobody cared about the posts or nobody cared to comment?

Unless The Register ot WP Tavern type website, comments are not very helpful on smaller websites IMHO.

Back to the topic, WPCerber is one of the best fighters with SPAM, in comments or in contact forms. Yes, it works with CP, but file integrity checker not tested.